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Just a warning I am Dyslexic so my stories will not be perfect but I now have one Beta reader to help me along the way :D

Thank you so much to rsrdiall for offering to work with me :D

Hello my sweeties,

We are getting very close to the end,

sometime I wish I could just plug a lead into my head like a Chobits and just drain the stories out...

can someone start working on that for me :D

I would very much appreciate it XD


Neh xxx

I do not own Skip Beat.

Now it begins...

"So what are we working on first?" Julie asked excitedly as she looked at what she thought of as three blank canvases, which just happened to be the girlfriend of her son and two best friends before her.

"Well according to Lory's schedule the first item on the agenda is the Love Me graduation, so these are required," Jelly said as she entered the room and grimaced slightly at the box of black caps and gowns used for university graduations.

"Erg. Couldn't he at least have asked me to improve them?" Julie asked with a tired sigh as she lifted one of the sets from the box with much distaste written on her face. The Love Me girls all remained silent as they looked at the two ladies whose job it was to get them ready.

"Well we have what we have honey, no crying once the milk's spilt already." Julie just sighed once more as she dropped the gown and cap back into the box and nodded.

"You're right, Ten. Suppose we just have to work with what we have. Now ladies if you please the bath is down the hall on the right. Do a full wash including your hair. Ten has left you each a set of lotions and potions to use so get going," Julie stated simply as she smiled wide and clapped her hands together, smiling and nodding to the two women.

The young women did as bid and disappeared out of the doorway and down to the room indicated. It was only as Kyoko sat there washing herself before the mirror that one of them finally broke the silence after seeing the graduation gowns.

"Can you really believe this is happening?" she said softly as she washed her body slowly with a beautiful smelling liquid soap Jelly had left for them all.

"No not really," Kanae said just as softly.

As she looked to the woman sitting beside her, she heard Chiori sigh. "It doesn't feel real in some respects. I was the one who wanted to join the Love Me section and worked so hard to get there so I could learn from you both. Now it's going to be gone."

Kyoko couldn't help it as she looked at the two women beside her. The women she counted as more than her best friends, they were her family, her strength. These were the people she knew she could not live without in her life anymore.

So Kyoko cried.

"I don't want it to end," her sob was full of such compelling emotion despite their naked state both Chiori and Kanae instantly had Kyoko wrapped in their arms in a very odd group hug.

"Oh hush now, Kyoko. It's not like we are never going to see each other again is it? Or now that we are graduating from Love Me are you planning on ignoring us for the rest of your life?" Kanae asked as she tried to hold back her own emotions.

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