Birth of the sisterhood

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His fingers tangled in her hair as she arched her back to meet his demands. The touch of her soft skin against him made his heart race as he kissed boldly down her neck. Her hands found his belt opening it in one swift movement as he slid the silk dress down her glowing form.

Bound for the land of no return their bodies entwined in love and lust as the moon shone through the open curtains.

Ren looked up at Kyoko as he placed the two glasses down on the table as she carried the food to the table.

"So let me make sure I have this right? You are doing a new Love Me assignment as a group with the other two girls but you cannot tell me what it is or what you are going to be doing?" Ren felt rather pissed off at this. He had listened as she had answered the phone to the president this morning. But now he wasn't even allowed to know what his own girlfriend was working on? This had to be one of the president's cruel jokes.

"I'm sorry Ren but we all signed a contract to say we would not speak of the assignment to anyone. Aren't you in the same boat with your new role?" she asked placing his food before him. It was a simple dish. Pork cutlets with rice and saffron but it was something she had found he enjoyed so she had cooked it specially.

He sighed. She was right of course. "I hate all this secrecy between us."

She smiled at him across the table, "It's not going to be for long on my end, just until December."

Ren's head shot up at her. "You don't need to go anywhere for this assignment do you? Don't forget my parents come back November 28th. I'd hate to think what Mom would do to me if I let you go away when she wants to spend time with you shopping and what not."

She chuckled as she ate. "No I'm not going anywhere, and would it be only your mom upset if I had to go?"

Ren smiled at her knowingly. "Well no of course not. Dad would be upset too," he said.

"No one else?" she enquired.

For the rest of the meal Ren listed off names of people that would be upset if she was to go anywhere going as far to say the audience who watched her as Bo for Bridge Rock. He watched her growing more and more silent. As she took the plates to the kitchen she was running the water into the bowl when the large hands and arms enclosed around her holding her close to him as he whispered into her ear,

"And no one would miss you as much as me." His breath on her earlobe was tantalising. Her breath caught and she feared her heart would never beat again as slowly he ran his nose down her neck before kissing her collar bone with feather light kisses.

The breath she had been holding released as she slightly pulled away from him to turn in his arms.

"You're a bully you know that." Her voice was husky as she took his lips in a passionate kiss.

His hands were instantly exploring her curves. Her hands tangled into his hair and down his chest. His well-built body felt like the most intoxicating aphrodisiac. Her heart felt like it would explode from her chest as he licked her bottom lip seeking entry. Her lips parted and his silken tongue slipped through as she tangled her tongue with his. As they pulled apart seeking the oxygen they so desperately needed she could hear him gasping. His eyes were half lidded as he looked into her golden eyes and lost his self control.

Grasping her firmly he lifted her body to sit on the counter as their lips met once more, this time with much more force. They clung to each other desperately moaning. All thoughts other than each other evaporated in that instance as her hands swiftly started undoing the buttons of his shirt as his hands slid up her short denim skirt. It was the sudden wetness on her bum that alerted her. Her moans became a started exclamation as Ren released her.

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