The Heels.

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Thanks always to my wonderful Beta reader @rsrdiall

I do not own Skip beat all rights to the author Nakamura Yoshiki.


Kyoko watched silently from the sidelines as they filmed the bloody and violent murder scene of BJ's first few victims, he killed each one in a brutal and horrific manner. No NG was called for as Cain glided effortlessly through the scenes. The supporting cast acted brilliantly showing the true terror which BJ inflicted upon his victims. Kyoko wondered as she watched victim three be led away by a crew member. If there was ever a problem with the victims acting out fear in front of Cain Heel, he owned the stage and their fear.

"I'll live as your me."

Tsuruga-san's words reverberated through her head. Shaking her head, Kyoko berated herself.

Stop it Kyoko, this isn't the time or place to be thinking such things. Watch Tsuruga-san you never know. We may one day have to play a psychopathic murderer.

Looking back up at the scene before her, she saw the director explaining something to Tsuruga-san. He nodded his understanding as again the director left the scene. Kyoko was secretly thankful that the first couple of scenes they were shooting didn't have Murasame involved. She didn't think that Tsuruga-san would do anything now. After all, he had promised her he would behave as the brother she would approve of. Still, her own personal grudge antennae were quivering with suppressed excitement at the aura surrounding Murasame.


The next scene started. BJ lithe like a cat, moved through the shadows, stalking his prey with his eyes shining. That faint ecstatic smile twisting the corners of his mouth as he reached out and grappled his victim, slitting his throat in one graceful movement. The entire set was silent, watching as BJ stood over the dying man making sure with his last moments of life he knew who had killed him. The last thing that poor man would ever see would be those shining eyes standing out of a hollow blood splattered face with that satisfied smile, as the sharp red tongue flickered between the lips to taste the blood that was slowly dripping down his face.


"That was wonderful, Heel-san! We will check the footage." he said before turning to everyone, "OK everybody, let's take lunch now while we prepare for the next set of scenes. Be back here at 15:00 and we will continue from scene 42. Heel-kun's and Murasame-kun's second meeting."

Kyoko grabbed the bottle of water and a towel she had ready for Cain to use but as she looked back she stood stunned. Manaka-san stood trying to hand Cain a bottle of water. She watched as he slowly looked down at her and took the bottle from her hand, before she turned and fled.

What?...What the hell was that!

She felt her cheeks getting hot as she stalked over to Cain.

"Nii-san have you made a friend?" she purred. Tsuruga looked up at the sound of her voice and felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked into her accusing eyes and smiled back at her.

"Why Setsu? Are we jealous?" he watched as she pouted turning away from him crossing her arms before herself still holding the towel and water. Stepping slowly towards her he gently took the water and towel from her hands before leaning forwards to whisper in her ear.

"She could never be as cute as you Setsu so don't worry."

"Don't worry."

Again the ringing sounded in her head as his closeness reminded her of only this morning when he had taken her into his arms and held her close.

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