Returning To Work And Jealousy.

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The wind caught the girl as she sauntered onto the set. Hair swept to the side and styled beautifully, make-up applied with grace: not too much and not too little. The school uniform she wore was customised to the girl's own unique style. The crystal that glittered at her chest was nothing compared to her glittering golden eyes.

"NATSU IS BACK ON SET!" the director called as the cast crew and everyone watching applauded.

If Kyoko hadn't already been in character she would have blushed at the attention, whistles and calls she got from the surrounding people. But being Natsu she gave her sexy slow smile that had half of the men in the room falling in love with her. Their hearts fluttered in their chests. As her sidekicks approached Chiori also in role smiled lazily at her as Natsu started to reapply lip gloss to her lips.

"Good morning Natsu-sama, I hope you're feeling better." Yumika (Chiori) smiled at her with a grin full of respect as the other girls falling into character started speaking with her also. They spoke briefly for a few moments before the director called over for the start of the scene.

"Kaori, Tugumi, Yumika I hope you haven't been complacent while I've been gone. I'm in the mood for some fun." The smile she gave the three girls as they took their seats made them all shiver with anticipation. The set always seemed so much more alive when Natsu was there. The director, cast and crew all knew this and loved the actress for her amazing talent and life she brought to the set.

They filmed for 5 hours. Chiori was true to her word with Ren. She would make sure as soon as Kyoko was out of role and waiting between scenes that her manager brought them both drinks and at lunchtime she dragged her and their co-stars to a café to eat. Kyoko looked over at Yuka. She seemed rather quiet as she ate. Honami seemed normal and Rumi was Rumi. She never seemed to notice anything Chiori noticed Kyoko kept looking at her co-star and wondered if she should mention to Kyoko to stay off the subject of Ren around Yuka. But it was already too late as Rumi suddenly blurted out,

"I can't believe you got Japan's number 1 actor Kyoko-chan! You're sooooooo lucky," she said. As the other two girls suddenly sat up straighter Yuka's chopsticks clattered and Kyoko just sat there looking completely shocked by the sudden change in conversation.

YOU STUPID COW! Chiori was screaming in her head as she felt the tension building at the table. Kyoko's grudges were basking in the radiant glow of Yuka's anger.

I've got to do something and quickly, Chiori thought as she looked up at Yuka. Oh well here goes.

"I'm sure Kyoko-chan is fed up of having that conversation Rumi-chan. Just drop it." she added a little of Yumika behind her words emphasizing the 'Drop it' at the end but it was already too late Yuka was speaking.

"Sure let's forget that we could all jump in front of a bullet and get the man of our dreams shall we? He is only with her because he feels obligated to."

Kyoko was completely shocked by what she was hearing. She didn't speak as she watched the hatred in Yuka's eyes directed at her.

"YUKA!" Chiori scolded as she jumped in to defend her friend.

"That's not true and Ren-sama himself has said it over and over how he has been in love with her for a long time! Just get over your stupid crush and move on," she growled with Yumika's venom.

Rumi and Honami almost fled the table as Yuka's bento slammed down on to it. "Oh yeah! Well that's something he has to say isn't it. It's probably what LME has told him to say so he doesn't look bad." Yuka stormed off leaving her half-eaten bento on the table.

All eyes turned to Kyoko who looked on the verge of tears.

"It's OK, Kyoko-chan. She's just jealous. She will get over it and soon realise what she has said is wrong," Chiori stated as she watched the girl she admired crumble under the words.

"Yeah sure," Kyoko answered as Rumi and Honami rushed to console her. But Kyoko wasn't really listening. Yuka's words kept running over and over in her mind.

He is only with her because he feels obligated to...It's probably what LME has told him to say.

It felt like a concrete block had been dropped onto her back and she had no way of removing the terrible weight. Chiori looked on in fear as she felt Kyoko slipping slowly into herself. Excusing herself from the table to go to the toilet she left Rumi and Honami. Trying to cheer up Kyoko she ran full pelt to the toilets as she pulled out her phone searching through her contact list for the number she wanted. She dialled and waited for an answer.

Come on pick up the phone pick up the phone, she begged in her mind as she listened to the ringing.

"Hello Chiori-san what's wrong?" Chiori sighed full relief as she heard the older girl answer.

"Kanae-san we have a problem. Are you free?" Chiori then proceeded to tell Kanae of what had happened. When she got to the end of the tale she waited for a reply,

"I will be there in 2 hours as soon as my filming is finished. Keep Kyoko away from that vile bitch until then and if possible try and keep her in character. If she is in role she won't be able to think on it. We all know she becomes the role and it's times like this I'm very thankful for that girl's talents."

Chiori thanked her and hung up the phone. She took a deep breath and readied herself for the task ahead. She was an actress and a good one at that. She could do this. Leaving the bathroom she walked confidently into Yumika's skin ready to save her friend from the bile and jealousy of one stupid little girl.

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