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"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. We are still running with our 2 hour special tonight. We are lucky enough to have with us Japan's hottest and most talked about new couple. Appearing tonight for the first time since his amazing confession live on Japanese News Network we have Tsuruga Ren and Kyoko. We'll be dishing the dirt they refuse to tell us themselves. Their best friends are the stunning amazing actress who broke Bo's heart tonight," the audience giggles as Bo looked depressed,"Kotonami Kanae and also Ren's loyal manager, sidekick, love doctor and God knows what else Yashiro Yukihito."

The audience still ecstatic by the guests, stamped, cheered and whistled.

President Lory sat his beloved granddaughter on his knee as they viewed the show. He was sorry to have missed the first part but the meeting had dragged on longer than expected. Now he was going to sit back and enjoy his number one actor and actress on their first joint appearance.

"We would normally have our musical act and have some amazing music, but as we don't have a musical guest we have the green eggs of musical questions instead. I would like you each to take an egg and answer the question inside," Hikaru said as he held the basket out for each of them to take an egg.

"So let's start off with Ren-san, what question have you got for us?" asked Yuusei as he watched Ren open up the egg and read the question out loud.

"What is your favourite type of music?" Ren looked thoughtful for a moment before he answered. "I don't think I really have a favourite type of music. I do like a few American and European artists but nothing I could hold my hands up and say it's my favourite." Yashiro-san looked at him within an odd expression as Ren answered his question Yuusei noticed this. "You look like you have something to say Yashiro-san. Are you going to spill some dirt for us?" All 3 hosts smiled as the attention turned to Yashiro who just shook his head.

"I have only ever seen Ren listen to music once in all the time we have been working together. But it makes me wonder what was on that CD? He listened to it for hours that day."

Ren straightened slightly as he looked at his manager. "Your memory is too good Yashiro-san," Ren growled as a slight blush stained his cheeks.

"OOOOH I see. So Ren-san what was on that CD?" asked Shin'ichi smiling deviously.

"That CD is actually a compilation of love songs that I bought in America a long time ago. I was listening to it that day and thinking about certain issues I was facing with Kyoko at that time."

Ren's honesty seemed to shock the hosts but Yashiro just nodded smiling. "Yes I guessed that was the case," he said laughing slightly.

"OK Kyoko-chan what's your question?" asked Shin'ichi smiling at her. They had all really missed the girl they counted almost like a little sister. Even if she had never realised Hikaru was infatuated with her and was nursing a broken heart from finding out she was with Ren they all could agree they were happy for the young girl. She deserved happiness.

Opening her egg Kyoko read out her question. "Can you sing?" she smiled and then let out one of her heart melting little chuckles as she answered, "Well I sing in the shower sometimes or when I'm working in the Love Me section. But I don't think I would say I'm good at it." She chuckled again as Yuusei jumped on her answer.

"How about you sing for us?"

As soon as the words left his mouth Kyoko was already shaking her head. "Sorry but no way. I don't want to make you all deaf."

Even with the crowd's encouragement Kyoko refused until Hikaru feeling sorry for the girl he had once loved dropped the subject by moving onto Kanae. "We can come back to that in a minute. Kotonami-san what is your question?"

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