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When Kyoko woke up again there was no one sitting next to her bed and no Ren. She felt lonely. The curtains were closed so she guessed it was night. Looking over at the small table she saw they had left her a glass of water. She turned slightly and tried to reach the glass as a beautiful hand with long, elegant fingers slipped into view holding the glass for her. She looked up slowly to see Juliena smiling at her.

"Here you go sweetie." she said holding the straw to her lips.

As Kyoko drank she felt refreshed. "Thank you, Hizuri-san." she said feeling a little shy in front of this radiant creature.

Juliena pouted slightly "Really Kyoko-chan. You call my son by his name and my husband father surely I should be mother."

Kyoko giggled at her pouting and smiled "OK. Thank you, Mom."

Juliena squealed and hugged Kyoko around the neck "Kuu was right. You're just so cute. I was so jealous when he told me all about you, I just wanted to meet you so much." she continued hugging her as Kyoko let out a little gasp of pain.

"OH my god Kyoko-chan. Are you OK? I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" she pulled back, looking down at Kyoko.

Her stomach felt a little hot and sticky so she peeled the covers back to look at the bandage. As soon as she did, Juliena had her hand on the nurse call button.

As Kyoko looked down at the blood soaked bandage, Juliena held Kyoko's trembling hand softly "Not to worry my dear with any wound there is a possibility of bleed through and as you have been asleep for quite a few hours it may not be as bad as it looks."

The nurses arrived and Juliena explained about the bloody bandage. Very carefully the nurses set to work. Scrubbing their hands and getting fresh bandages out, they slowly cut away the soiled bandage to check the wound. Juliena held Kyoko's hand all the way through never looking away or grimacing at the ugly sight that was beneath the bandages. Kyoko wasn't really able to look at the wound as the nurses had laid her down fully to check it. It was very uncomfortable and painful as the nurses peeled away and cleaned the blood off, but she tried her best not to wince or move as the nurses worked.

"I have an idea. Let's talk Kyoko-chan." she smiled at the prone girl.

"OK Mom, what shall we talk about?"

Juliena thought about this for a moment and then said, "Let's play a question game. You ask a question and then I do the same. If you don't want to answer you just say pass. OK?"

Kyoko nodded, "You go first, Mom"

Juliena smiled. "Hmm OK. Wto ask first?" she smiled a radiant smile "When did you fall in love with Kuon?"

Kyoko blushed slightly and even though she was embarrassed she wouldn't pass "Well I suppose I've been in love with him for a long time, it's just recently that I've come to understand what those feelings were. With never having anyone really love me before I suppose I was pretty clueless, especially after having the person I thought I was in love with abandon me like trash. I just never understood until one day it hit me." Juliena nodded encouragingly for Kyoko to continue "I was worrying about something and Ren suddenly took me into his arms and held me tight, saying everything was going to be alright and I realised that it was exactly were I wanted to be. At first, I couldn't accept it. I believed that love was just a foolish emotion that only hurt people and I also really thought I am not good enough for him. He deserves someone at the top like him, not a lowly newbie like me."

Juliena scoffed at this. "Do not put yourself down, you silly girl. My Kuon admires your talent and so does Kuu for that matter. I remember when he came home and told me about a raw diamond he had been polishing."

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