Telling Their Story.

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The seconds felt like minutes, the minutes felt like hours, the hours felt like days as they waited for news. Yashiro and Kanae had righted the room as best they could while Ren sat head in hands on the sofa again unmoving and unresponsive.

"I've spoken to the nurse." said Takarada re-entering the room. Everyone looked up from their positions. Even Ren raised his head slightly to listen.

"At the moment there is still no news on Mogami-san's condition. As soon as someone leaves the theatre or there is something for them to tell us they will come let us know, so for now it is just a waiting game." Ren's head dropped back to its original position.

Kanae righted the fallen potted plant, while Yashiro dropped back onto the sofa he had just replaced. The president watched them all. Much like himself, the worry was clear on each of their faces.

"Ren you need to change out of those clothes. I believe Yashiro has brought your clothes for you." the fact that he received no reaction from this still worried him. But he decided to take a different approach as Yashiro collected the duffel bag from by the wall where he had deposited it when entering the room.

"They will not allow you to see her when she comes out of theatre if you are not clean and tidy Ren." he watched as Ren stirred slightly, after a few seconds a deep sigh escaped him as he stood.

"Good lad, I asked the nurse if the bathroom in this room has a shower so go and get yourself cleaned up." Ren just nodded and took the bag Yashiro held out to him, walking slowly and lifelessly into the bathroom before shutting the door behind him with a decisive


Takarada sighed deeply. Sinking to the sofa Ren had vacated he looked at the still standing pair.

"Yashiro pour me a cup of coffee would you please?" he said looking at the young manager.

"Kotonami-san please sit down you make me feel nervous hovering there." Neither one said anything, but moved to do his bidding with Kanae coming around from behind the sofa to perch on it while Yashiro started setting out cups and sorting out drinks.

"Kanae-san what would you like to drink?"

Lory shifted slightly.

I've never heard him call her Kanae before. That's new.

He thought to himself as Kanae requested a coffee with milk no sugar. Suddenly Lory looked up at Yashiro.

"Yashiro please add four sugar and milk to Ren's tea would you? Sugar is good for shock and I think he needs it." Yashiro nodded as he poured the still hot water into the cups.

"I'm not going to disagree with you there. Saying that I think I will have a couple in mine, also I don't think he is the only one in shock." this was the first any of them had spoken about the incident until now. They had just accepted the fact and worked towards this point.

"I don't think there isn't anyone who isn't shocked by this." replied Lory nodding softly.

"I will second that Takarada-san." they all looked up as Director Konoe and Riona entered the room.

"Have we had any news yet?" he asked as they approached the sofa. The question hung in the air a little, stating the reply before anyone had answered.

"Not as of yet, Konoe-san. They have said they will come to us as soon as anything is known." replied Lory as he smiled up at the director and Riona.

Noticing Lory's eyes resting on Riona, Konoe suddenly realised he hadn't introduced her,

"I'm very sorry, where are my manners? This is Kamikaze Riona." he said gesturing to her as she bowed to them.

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