Her Story, Her Chioce, Her Family.

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Kyoko stood on the small stage looking out at the sea of people before her. She had wanted to say so many things to all these people, but now she stood there. With all their eyes gazing at her she had no words to express her thoughts. Small tears began to trickle down her cheeks as she stood. Then to everyone's astonishment Kyoko simply bowed to them all with one word on her lips,

"Thank you."

She stayed there in that position for a few minuets showing her utmost respect to the people in the room as she fought with her own emotions and with what to say. A hand in the small of her back snapped her out of her turmoil as a voice next to her ear whispered,

"Mogami-san. It might be a good time for this."

Kyoko looked at what the president was handing to her. The silver engraved tube he had given her in the hospital which she had asked him to keep safe for her rested lightly in his hand offering her the choice. Kyoko nodded and slowly took the tube from his hand.

"I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen. Don't worry I think the moment just got to be too much for Mogami-san but we will be continuing now." Lory didn't leave the stage he just took a few steps back to a seat Sebastian had set up for him there.

Kyoko was grateful for this. She felt his amazing presence fill her with confidence as she stood and looked across the sea of faces once more. But this time when she cleared her throat and began to talk into the microphone her words started flowing smoothly from her lips. Maybe next time I have to stand on stage I should bring out my Natsu. She wouldn't freeze up that's for sure. The idea of standing on this stage as Natsu made her smile. She could imagine what Natsu would be like with all the men seated around the room.

Well maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea.

"Hello and as everyone has already said thank you all for coming. You cannot even to begin to imagine what this all means to me to have you all here. To think that everyone would be here for the Number one Love Me section girl is to myself rather amazing, but I suppose that now I have begun to understand what love can really be like." She looked over to Ren with a smile. "I can begin to understand how much every single person in this room means to me without being afraid of the hurt that up until recently has been my view on love."

Taking a deep breath she continued,

"Until recently I suppose I boxed away all my feelings not because I didn't want to make friends and be happy but because all I knew from love was hurt." Kyoko swallowed hard fighting back tears. "When I was younger I was never loved my father died before I was born and I was never good enough for my mother. If I couldn't be perfect I wasn't good enough to be seen as her daughter."

A startled gasp at her words filled the hall but no one spoke.

"So she abandoned me at a family friend's ryokan where I was set to work for my living and bored. Now I don't want to seem like I'm ungrateful to the family that took me in, fed and clothed me as it's far from the truth. But as I was never truly their child and having a very busy business to run I was just taken along because it was easier. I worked hard. I learnt things that normal children at my age would never have even considered because I didn't want to be a burden to them."

A few of the guests now had tears in their eyes. Juliena was crying softly on Kuu's shoulder and even though Kyoko or no one else had noticed Ren saw Yashiro grasp Kanae's hand below the table comforting her.

"It wasn't a bad life and I had a friend the same age as me. the owner's son who I played with occasionally when I had the time. He was kind to me which in its own way brought me trouble from girls in my school. I was bullied daily because of our close relationship they wished they could have with him. Sadly popular people don't see the discord they sow around them by their actions sometimes. But when he asked me to run away to Tokyo with him to follow his dream I jumped at the chance. To me he was my perfect prince. Sadly life is not one filled with the fairytales I love so much."

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