Mixed Feelings.

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Ren looked at Kyoko as she returned to the dressing room. She had been gone for quite a while, he had been beginning to worry. As she slipped back into the room she avoided his eyes as she returned to her now cold meal.

"Mogami-san." he called quietly.

She had no choice but to meet his eyes. He noticed instantly that they had a watery glaze.

"Are you OK, Mogami-san?" He asked with his eyes full of care and concern for her. She looked down at her food. Picking up her chopsticks, she replied quietly.

"I'm OK, Tsuruga-san." She didn't look back up at him but continued to eat again with the same determination as she had before she had left the room. For a few seconds he had considered following her.

She seemed so...so lost

He thought to himself as he chased her for the truth

"Are you sure, Mogami-san? You were gone a very long time." he asked in the same soft voice.

She had to think fast, she knew he would not stop asking her until she answered him could do this she was an actress after all. Putting on her Setsu face, she smiled up at him tilting her head slightly as she teased,

"Now think my dear baka Nii-san, there are reasons a woman such as myself would take her time in the bathroom do you not agree?" He was shocked to say the least at her comment. As he took what she said in, he realised just what she was referring to. He felt his face blush as he looked back at her smiling expectant face,

"Do you need me to spell it out for you Nii-san? Or will you be joining me the next time I visit the ladies room to confirm what I am telling you now? You would be very welcome." she smiled in a way that showed that she meant what she said.

She was inviting him to join her in that ladies room to check on her ... what the?... he looked into those slightly glazed eyes. Maybe he was incorrect, maybe it was because she was feeling unwell in that way. The reason for her eyes and her behaviour. He knew many a woman who would become moody even unreasonable once a month. He also knew that a lot of women became ill from it. Swallowing impulsively he smiled back at her.

"If you need me, my cute little sister of course I will come and help you in the ladies room any time you desire, but I see your point so I will not pry any further." He smiled back at her as she met his eyes for a few moments before returning to her food.

"I will see how I feel Nii-san, I may just take you up on that."

She continued to eat at her steady pace. He had already finished his meal so poured himself another cup of coffee and just sat watching her.

Hmm I will see how she is later. Maybe she is being truthful and that was the reason even though I invited her out of character, she returned to beingSetsu... God I can never imagine Kyoko talking about her monthlies.

His silence and his acceptance of her reasoning calmed her. Kyoko ate the food mechanically, it seemed to have no taste as she chewed and swallowed but it was something to do. She needed it, at that moment she needed something, anything to do with her hands even though she felt no hunger at all... she ate.

"OK everyone, we are going for scene 42, the second meeting between Heel-san and Murasame-san. Places!"

Shouted director Konoe. He had watched Cain re-enter the studio with Setsuka again. They had been holding hands like they were inseparable.

What's going on between them? Tsuruga-kun you know she is young and you are a man. You have a reputation as a co-star killer but really is your relationship running that deep with Kyoko-san?

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