Hurt and love, Hand in hand

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"Kanae.." her voice was broken and faint.

As the black curtain surrounding her eyes moved away she realised something had been leaning on her forehead. She felt the trickle of tears on her cheeks as again she felt the harsh slap followed with, "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! YOU TRY MY HEART AND RIP IT TO PIECES!"

The anger, the frustration, the fear, the complete and utter loss fell in words as she berated the girl she loved as her best friend. But the hot tears that flew from that face scorched her skin feeling like burning irons as they ravaged her replacing the empty head with anger and her own despair. Her stiff body lurched forwards and she grabbed the first thing it came in contact with. Kanae's hair. She screamed as she kicked out at the girl now holding on to her.


Adrenaline was pumping through her body now. Her limbs that had been frozen like an ice statue thawed. The two girls tussled and fought for dominance over the other, anger clouding their eyes and judgment. They fought like wild, scared and trapped beasts til lack of oxygen forced them both to the floor. Their bodies entwined. Blood, sweat and tears mixed as they cried out their pain and hate.

Kanae was the first to start coming back. It felt almost like she had been beaten within an inch of her life as she looked across at Kyoko's eyes. They were both panting hard but her eyes were no longer empty. The utter terror and fear that had filled Kanae at the sight of those empty eyes left her and gave way to pure joy and love.

"Don't you ever, ever leave me again do you hear me!" If she would have had the breath she would have screamed it at the prone girl lying opposite her on the dusty dirty floor. The little hand stretched across the gap as the small voice rang out again.


Maria was being comforted by Jelly, who was holding the young child tight.

"But I just don't understand. Why did she attack Onee-sama? Why did Onee-sama attack her back? I thought they were going to kill each other." Her eyes were red, her face was raw.

The scene between the two older girls had scared her and Jelly couldn't blame her in the slightest. She had been with Lory as they raced down the unused corridors on the basement level to the screaming they could hear. They found Chiori desperate holding onto Maria who was beside herself as they had looked into the room that looked like a desperate struggle had taken place, then to the two girls lying on the floor holding hands.

They had to be carried out and taken straight to Lory's mansion. A doctor had been called treated them both and just said they needed sleep and ice for bruising. Chiori had tried to explain as best she could. About finding Kyoko completely blank. Then Kanae's reaction and then her attacking Kyoko which seemed to snap Kyoko out of whatever had a hold on her to attack back. This led to the fight and then their final collapse.

It was Shoko that answered Maria's question. Coming into the room she relieved Jelly of the young girl and held her tight as she relaxed on the couch with her in her arms stroking her hair softly.

"It was fear Maria-chan. Seeing Kyoko cold and unresponsive scared Kanae just like it scared you and Chiori. The thing with fear is it controls all emotions. By itself fear can make impossible things possible in a single moment. When I was younger I saw a man almost rip a door off of a car to get to his wife who had been trapped after a car crash. That would be impossible normally but fear drove him to it. Fear is part of human and animal instinct. Do you know what instinct is Maria-chan?" Maria nodded so Shoko continued. "In that moment I think a part of Kanae's instinct kicked in. She knew Kyoko needed help but in her fear she didn't know what to do so she reacted upon her fear which resulted in anger. That anger made her do as she did. But even though it was scary and they both got a little bruised neither of them was badly hurt Maria-chan. And through their anger it snapped Kyoko out of her shocked state which I assure you is more dangerous than a catfight."

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