The Truth Behind The Mask.

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Kyoko just gaped at Ren as did everyone else, but the President and the Hizuri couple all just smiled knowingly.

"You're who?" Yashiro broke the silence as he stood up sharply staring at Ren in disbelief.

"My true name is Hizuri Kuon. I'm 22 years old born the 10th of February to Kuu and Juliena Hizuri. I'm also known as Corn the Fairy Prince of Hamburger Palace." the last part seemed to confuse everyone but Kyoko, who started to tremble looking at Ren. Feeling the motion through his hand, he turned to look at her fully.

"You're my corn?"

She was visibly shaking now as he looked at her and nodded "Yes Kyoko I am your Corn. Though now I hope you will be able to pronounce it better than when you were 6." he smiled at her as he stood and took out the purse he had in his pocket handing it to her "I'm glad you treasured it just like you promised, this was how I knew who you were when we met again."

Her eyes widened in shock as she took the purse meant for the stone from him and hugged it tightly to her. Ren knew that his most recent statement was going to be the biggest shock to her. He waited silently for her reaction, his heart pounded in his chest making him wonder how it couldn't be audible to the entire room as the silence continued. Everyone looked between the pair. Kyoko's eyes were shut tight as she hugged the purse to her. She had released Ren's hand when he had passed the purse over to her and now he wished he still held it in his own so he wouldn't feel like she was about to flee from his very presence. It took a few minutes for Kyoko to make up her mind as she held that purse close to her. My Corn. My Corn was here all along and I never knew. Taking a deep breath she slowly opened her eyes and looked up and smiled a soft smile.

"Your wings really did grow big, didn't they?" she grasped his hand that was lying useless on the bed and squeezed it.

Ren couldn't keep the emotion out of his voice or his face as tears welled up and threatened to overcome him. "Thanks to you my wings grew. I love you Kyoko."

Juliena let out a little squeak, unable to contain herself any longer as she jumped up and rushed at her son. Throwing her arms around him she cried into his shirt "Oh my Kuon, my sweet, sweet Kuon how I missed you."

Kyoko smiled and released his hand as Kuon unhooked his mother's hands and turned to face her fully "Hello Mother. Father." but that was as far as he got before Juliena flung her arms around his neck and hugged him fiercely crying all the time "Kuon, Kuon."

"Julie" said Kuu standing up and untangling her from around Kuon's neck "Please allow him to finish his story as our dear daughter seems ready to fall asleep. Poor thing's only been up 2 days and already we are burdening her with these things."

She nodded knowingly turning to Kyoko who was indeed now leaning back against the pillows exhausted by all of this news and drama. "I'm so sorry Kyoko-chan, but I was just so happy. I can't wait to get to know my cute daughter more." she said winking at her before allowing Kuu to lead her back to the sofa.

Ren sat down on the edge of the bed again and leaned back so he was sitting next to Kyoko, who turned slightly and snuggled into his shirt clinging to it with all her might. Looking up he saw everyone looking at him expectantly as he shook his head "I'm out of things to say I wouldn't even know where to begin."

Lory sighed as he looked up at Ren "Well then let us ask you the questions. " Ren nodded and Lory continued "I knew all about your past and your family, but how did you come to meet Mogami-san when she was 6?" Ren smiled down at the now sleeping form of the woman he loved. He would answer any question she had whenever she liked so he let her sleep.

"Remember dad coming here when I was 10 to film for two weeks?" Lory nodded slowly "Well that filming was done in..."

The rest of his sentence was cut short by Kuu's exhale of breath knowing the answer "Kyoto."

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