A Heart Shaped Notebook.

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Shoko was sitting in the hallway when a slightly dazed Kanae found her. She was writing in a notepad on her lap. It took Kanae a few seconds to realise whose notepad it was. Shoko looked up hearing the gasp

"Hello Kotonami-san. Sorry, but Ren gave it me to have a look at." she said raising the notebook slightly as she smiled "I just couldn't help having to add something." She looked at the young woman still in her hot pick jumpsuit, "I don't suppose you have your stamps on you, do you?" she questioned with a mischievous smile, "I'll swap you with this." she said, raising a tray with 2 cups of steaming... Coffee? Kanae decided as she sat down next to Shoko, flipping up her belt bag where her own Love Me notbook was stored and her stamps.

"Sold." she said smiling as she handed Shoko the ink pad and range of stamps.

Kanae sat silently sipping the coffee. It was hot and bitter, just what she needed. She watched Shoko slightly as she looked through the stamps, picking one and then stamping the page she had just written on with a smile.

"You know I think these are a really good idea." she closed the notebook decisively. "I may even mention these for all of our new talents. It can be a way that they can see their failings and their achievements all in one place and the memories that go along with them." she smiled at Kanae who gently retrieved her own heart-shaped notepad out of the belt bag,

"I've never really thought about it before yesterday. The President came storming into the Love Me locker room and just said that Kyoko-chan had been in a terrible accident and we were going to the hospital immediately. I don't know why I grabbed it. There it was, sitting on her work table as Sawara-san hadn't had time to fill it out for her so had kept it while she rushed out for filming. He must have put it there for her so it was there when she returned to Love Me work."

Kanae was silent for a long time as she offhandedly stroked her own. Shoko watched her silently. She could feel the young woman wanted to talk so she gave her time to collect her words.

She's the type that would close up if I push her. She thought so she just waited for Kanae

"I don't think the Love Me section will ever be the same without her." the sad smile and tear choked voice shocked Shoko

"But Kotonami-san, you were the one telling everyone yesterday how she would recover well and shock us all. Why are you suddenly so melancholy?" she reached out slowly and gripped the young woman's shoulder.

Kanae smiled at Shoko "I didn't actually mean like that. She will get better. She has to. What I meant is now she is ready to graduate." a slow smile shaped Kanae's lips as she tried and failed to hold back her tears.

Shoko unable to bear it any longer stood and bent down to wrap the young woman in her arms. The Kanae of two days ago would have pulled away from any contact like this, but the present day Kanae needed the support the people around her were giving so willingly. Shoko's soft caress of her hair and back was all she needed. In a few moments she was able to control herself again. As Shoko returned to her seat a few minuets later she thanked Shoko with full emotion.

"Thank you, Shoko-san. I'm sorry about that it's just..." her sentence flew away as Shoko smiled.

"It's been a big shock Kotonami-san. I completely understand. You were kind enough to me yesterday when I needed it." Kanae smiled at her and they sat again in companionable silence.

Kanae drank the last of her lukewarm coffee and blanched "This stuff never tasteS as good cold," she said as she tossed the cup into the bin.

Shoko downed her own cup following suit "I totally agree, but at least the cup you had didn't go to waste." she smiled as her cup fell into the bin from her throw.

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