Kanae has her say

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The next two hours for Chiori seemed to tick by at a snail's pace. Even between the scenes she kept up her character. As Yumika talked to Kyoko as Natsu it wasn't hard to keep Kyoko in character. She was an amazing actress as soon as cut was called she responded to Kyoko as Yumika would to Natsu. It was a lot harder on Chiori but she viewed it as good practice. She always watched Kyoko act with great zest. She was her senpai and immortal butterfly she could learn so much from.

They had just started the last shot of the day for Natsu and her group when director Annaka noticed the raven haired beauty standing by one of the stagehands and the director having a discussion. The director nodded and walked away while the stagehand walked away laughing. The girl flipped her hair over her shoulders and crossed her arms. She watched the scene before her. Natsu was standing next to a group of girls who were holding another girl's head underwater in a fountain. As the girl being tortured spluttered with water streaming from her mouth, eyes and nose they pulled her back up by her hair as Natsu leant over.

"Well well well it seems that the last lesson wasn't enough for you to remember my warning. Maybe this one will make you remember who you serve bitch." The other girls moved aside releasing the crying girl as Natsu placed her high heeled shoe on the girl's back and kicked her forcibly into the fountain. As the girl turned over petrified Natsu smiled that simple smile that everyone knew meant she had just had a brilliant idea. "Stand up bitch." The quivering girl stood. She knew better than to keep the smiling devil waiting. Natsu summoned her over with one slow finger movement. The trembling girl approached slowly as Natsu's smile grew. Once the girl stood before her Natsu reached forwards by her shirt collar and held her tight. "Now strip." Yanking the girl's collar with such force half the buttons popped off and a terrible ripping sound could be heard, the shirt was half torn away showing off the white bra the girl was wearing. The other girls watching sniggered as they started up the chant of

"STRIP, STRIP, STRIP, STRIP."As the petrified girl reached up to start taking off her clothes.


"OK that was perfect! We will do a replay but I think we can take it from there. Well done Natsu! You are free to go. The rest of you hang around for a bit we need to do the new scene before Natsu returns. Good work everyone!" As the director left another voice spoke up.

"Chiori-san please take Kyoko to get her things."

"I need to talk to the rest of you guys. I already got the director's approval if you're wondering."She walked forwards, the sway of her hips mesmerising. She never uncrossed her arms. The three girls stood stock still as she approached. Rumi had a large fluffy towel wrapped around her but hearing that this young woman needed to speak to her she waited with Honami and Yuka.

"Good work today. I very much enjoyed the scene you just shot." She barely tipped her head in acknowledgement before returning her icy stare to all three girls. "It appears though that your professionalism does not extend away from the camera." Kanae's voice dropped slow and cold filling the air with a chill as she looked upon the three girls. She knew which one was Yuka as she had watched Box R with Kyoko before. Facing Yuka full on, Kanae almost lazily but with the same tone continued. "I would hate to think that your lack of professionalism today does not reach the ears of who the man you were talking about. as I'm sure there would be some very stern words towards your company for the behaviour displayed." She left no doubt that this was a threat and a very big one. These girls may have been acting longer than her but neither of them came from a company as big as LME. None of them, especially Yuka, would want Ren to find out about what she had said. "I can personally arrange for a meeting with him if you still doubt my words," Kanae continued staring at Yuka who could not look her in the eye at all.

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