2nd song

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Kyoko gave a little running commentary of things and places they passed as they made their way back to the Love Me locker room. Shoko just happily listened to the young woman smiling at her own enthusiasm for her workplace and the little stories she told of things that had happened in certain places. When they reached the locker room and opened the door to the 3 girls inside Kanae and Chiori gasped as they stood and welcomed the older woman.

"It's so good to see you Shoko-san! How are you feeling?" Kanae asked bowing to her as Shoko bowed back she smiled.

"I'm much better thank you. I'm glad I could see you all today as I wanted to thank you for your help 4 days ago." They all told her it was nothing but she insisted she buy them all a drink including little Maria. So chatting happily they made there way to L.A Hearts. True to her words she bought them all a drink and even ordered some little cakes to be brought to their table as they all sat together.

"Mo don't tell me you came all the way here just to thank us Shoko," Kanae said sighing with happiness at her iced mocha.

"No actually she's here because of me," Kyoko confessed quietly.

The three girls looked at her as Shoko smiled warmly. "That's correct. As of today I am officially Kyoko-san's manager," she added happily. All the girls were really happy and Chiori just shouted at Kyoko.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner Kyoko-chan? This is a big day for you?" Kyoko looked up slightly embarrassed first at Chiori but then Kanae noticed her gaze fall upon her before returning to the table.

"Mo don't tell me it was because you didn't want me to feel left out! Kyoko I will not forgive you if you think I'm such a bad friend as to not congratulate you."

Kyoko flinched at the hurt in Kanae's voice as she almost shouted back with her urgency. "NO MOKO of course not. It's just your such a better actress than me, I was thinking maybe I should have told the boss to have Shoko manage you instead." She looked down at her hands again as Kanae just sat there dumbfounded. She would never have even thought about it that way.

"BAKA!" she shouted at her making a few people around them stare at their table. "Do you honestly think that you are not as good as me? You are my rival Kyoko. We rise to each challenge because we have each other as support. Do not tell me that you think yourself below me or this friendship ends here and now." Kanae had stood up she was so angry and Kyoko tried to find the words to apologise but it was Maria who broke the tension and calmed the situation instantly.

"Don't worry Onee-sama. Grandpa is just finishing off the contracting for Kanae-sama's manager. As soon as it is complete she will be able to meet with them and Kanae-sama will be very pleased I'm sure."

Kanae sat down with a bump onto her chair staring at Maria.

"Maria-chan is correct. Managers are chosen for their skills to suit each person's temperament. I'm afraid me and Kanae-san would not work well together if we were placed as manager and charge."

This shocked everyone at the table but Maria who sipped her strawberry milkshake nodding her head.

"Why do you say that Shoko-san?" asked Kyoko a little worried.

"Because they are too much alike." It was Maria who answered and Shoko nodded with a happy smile.

"That's correct. It pleases me to say see a little of myself in Kanae-san when I was her age. To make a good team or combination you need a mixture of different types. On some occasions similar types can work well together. But in this case we have the tendencies which would not work well together." Shoko smiled at Kanae and she smiled back.

She could understand what Shoko was saying. Their personalities in the end would eventually clash just like they had done with Sho, but for different reasons. Looking at Kyoko who still didn't seem to understand the situation or the explanation Kanae decided Shoko would be the perfect manager for her. She might even drag a little more confidence out of her to stop all this self hating and self doubt. Looking between the two she smiled. This is definitely a good thing. The small bit of jealousy she had felt melted, not because Maria had told her she would soon have her own manager, but because of the good that would come for her best friend who she cared for deeply.

As the table calmed and the people around them lost interest Shoko turned to Kyoko. "OK Kyoko I want you to tell me a little about yourself and what you are and what you want to accomplish."

She watched Kyoko tilt her head slightly in a cute way as she thought about this. "My name's Mogami Kyoko. I'm 17 years old and born on the 25th of December. I'm currently a member of the Love Me section with LME, but I also attend their actress and actor training school which I pay for with monthly instalments. I have 2 roles I am currently filling. One as the chicken mascot Bo for Bridge Rock and the other as Natsu for Box-R. I aim to one day be a well known actress with the ability to act alongside others who I admire. Other than that there is nothing to say really. I'm rather plain, boring and ordinary."

All three girls went to butt in at this point as Kyoko played herself down, but one commanding finger from Shoko stopped them dead as Shoko swivelled in her chair to face Kyoko with a stern look on her face. "According to who are you plain, boring and ordinary Kyoko-san?"

Kyoko felt confused by her question. According to who? She thought running the question over in her mind not fully understanding why she needed to ask such a thing. Wasn't it obvious?

"Let me phrase the question differently Kyoko-san," Shoko said with a sly smile. "I was there on that day almost 2 years ago and I heard every single word he said to you and I myself thought him a spoilt, obnoxious pig. I also warned him to be careful of you. Yet I never knew just how right I was Kyoko-san. You blew us away with your skill and professionalism, the latter being something he himself lacks. So we know who told you those things?" Kyoko knew she meant Sho and nodded. No words seemed to want to come out of her mouth as she looked at the older woman. "So now I will ask you in a different way. According to Ren what are you?"

Kyoko's heart stopped at his name. It constricted slightly at the though of him and Yui together but she knocked it down as the same words ran through her head. According to you...According to you. Jumping in her seat literally it struck her as she looked around with begging eyes. "Does anybody have a pen?"

Shoko slightly puzzled handed her one as the three other girls looked on in the same boat as Shoko. But as the young actress grabbed a napkin and began to write in quick fluid movements she bent and grabbed a notepad from her bag. Handing it to Kyoko who nodded thanks and began again in the fast almost blinding speed.

"Mo what the..." Kanae was cut off again by that commanding hand as Shoko raised her finger to her lips and held them all silent. It took only a few minutes before Kyoko's hand stopped writing and she began to shake violently.

Kanae couldn't hold it in any longer. "Mo what's wrong with you? What did you just do?"

It was Shoko that gave them the answer. Picking up the pad and passing it across the table to the three girls she said clearly but quietly so as not to be overheard, "I believe Kyoko-san has just written your second song for you." Kyoko just nodded feeling exhausted as they looked down and read the words then looked back up at the flagging Love Me number one.

"Are you sure you can do this one Kyoko?" Kanae asked as she looked up at her best friend.

It was brave and daring yet showed just how much she really had grown in the last 2 years. Kyoko nodded with a sly smile across her lips. "I think I need to do that one Moko-san."

Kanae smiled and nodded. "I can't wait."

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