A heart to heart with alchohol

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The hotel they were pulling up in front of was very large and very grand. it was a few blocks away from LME and was very famous as the playground for the rich and famous. The security and service they offered was top class and came with a price tag to match. Kyoko balked as Kanae got out of the car in her shimmering light blue thigh length dress. Her long black coat was open so the shimmering fabric caught the eyes of anyone looking at the young actress. Her long hair was lose and hung down her back in shimmering waves like black silk.

"Moko-chan, we can't go in there. It's way too expensive. Neither of us could afford this place," Kyoko said still sitting in the car as Kanae turned and started tapping her foot at her friend.

"Kyoko-chan what did I tell you before we came out?" She watched as Kyoko looked down at the floor.

"That I'm not to say anything, no ifs and no buts," she replied like a child being scolded.

Kanae smiled at her friend. "Exactly and if I was to tell you that this," she waved towards the hotel, "is already covered and that we can eat and drink whatever we desire without concern, then that is what we are going to do. Now get out of that car immediately. I'm getting cold standing here waiting for you and I'm sure the driver has places to go and things to do other than standing there holding the door for you."

Kyoko literally flew out of the car. "I'm so sorry Moko-san, driver-san," she said bowing to them both.

Kanae shook her head hiding her smile as her friend apologised profusely. The driver just bowed, told them to have a pleasant evening and left. "Well then let's get going shall we?" Kanae looked at Kyoko.

The 4 inch black strappy stilettos look good on her. Kanae thought as she looked at the matching black coat she herself wore, but Kyoko had chosen to fasten hers snugly all the way to the top hiding the clothes Kanae had chosen for Kyoko.

"Of course Moko-san. As you wish," she replied.

The food was wonderful and as Kanae had said they ate and drank to their hearts content. Both were on soft drinks and teas but as they moved to the bar she decided the best way to talk to Kyoko in this situation was to loosen her up a little. They had both replaced their coats to move to the bar that was located 3 floors above the restaurant. Once there Kanae slipped off her coat revealing her backless dress. Kyoko followed suit and all the eyes that had been drawn to the raven haired beauty were now instantly drawn to the copper haired beauty beside her.

The dress she wore was blood red silk. It was a simple dress but hugged her slender figure like a second skin. Ending just before her knee it slowly flowed up every curve of her body to her chest where it was held up by 2 thin straps. No person in the room could have denied that the two women were beauties and there was a certain man sitting in the room who felt exceptionally proud of the two young ladies that caught the hearts and attention of every man there including his companion. A server took their coats away as Kanae sat herself down at the bar crossing her legs delicately. Next to her Kyoko, after a few seconds of embarrassment, slipped onto the barstool. Her back was ram rod straight and her knees were close together.

Kanae sighed. "Relax Kyoko-chan there is no need to be so stiff." She leant forwards on the bar, supporting her head with one hand while she caught the barman's attention. When he walked over she smiled at him, "Two Sweet Lucy's on the rocks please."

Kyoko looked shocked as Kanae looked back at her.

"What is a sweet Lucy?" she whispered as the barman walked away. "You know I'm too young to drink and so are you for that matter." Her startled words and expressions made Kanae want to laugh but she refrained instead putting on a bored expression. "They are not going to stop us having the drink so for once lighten up and just relax a bit won't you?" the barman came back carrying the drinks. They looked like golden cream with ice. He set them down before the two women and Kanae repeated what she had to the server before. "It's to be put on tab 26 for the rest of the evening please." The barman nodded and walked away from them leaving them to talk. Kanae sipped the drink and smiled "Well at least it tastes good. It's one of the first drinks I've tried and liked even if it is really sweet. But saying that with your sweet tooth you will love it." She smiled at Kyoko as curiosity got the better of her as she sipped the crème liquor her eyes lit up in delight as she tasted the sweet cold drink. "Nice?" Kanae asked smiling at her.

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