Emotional Bonds {Requested bonus Chapter}

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Ren watched as Lory spoke to the pink blur behind him, his eyes just wouldn't focus on anything else, but the man who …

He wanted to blame. For sanity's sake, he needed to blame someone else. His heart ached so badly he needed a release and upon seeing this man his release came.

Grabbing the coffee table with his free hand as if it was nothing he lifted and tossed it away from him, missing Lory by a few inches. The President never moved, he just stood there and watched his young charge. Next he tossed the sofa he had been sitting on, placing one hand on the arm he tossed it like a leaf spinning it multiple times in the air before landing with a


Lory watched as he slowly destroyed the room.

I will have to apologise later forthis

He decided if his number one Love Me member came out of this, he would furnish all their waiting rooms and give the hospital whatever they needed. More things came close to hitting him, but nothing actually did, always going past or falling short of him. When all of the large furniture and one potted plant had been toppled he made his move. Walking calmly to the trembling child he saw still standing in the centre of the room.

"You can hit me if you like Ren. You can blame me for everything and I will happily take the blame for you, but surely you know doing this will not change how you feel right now?...Blaming another cannot mend a breaking heart Ren." he slowly raised his arms up as he stood right in front of Ren.

Gently placing his hands on Ren's shoulders, he pulled him into his arms holding him tightly with all the force his body could muster. Instantly the body that had been so tense collapsed forwards onto him all its rage spent. He held his young friend as his tears soaked Lory's shoulder and neck. He held him tight just letting him cry, no words were needed no grand gestures just hands to hold him and a shoulder to cry on.

Oh my boy, I really am sorry.

Hot trails leaked from his own eyes as the sobbing became complete and utter sounds of grief, wailing out the internal tortures of his heart. Kanae looked on at the scene before her for only a few seconds before pulling the door almost closed. She couldn't stand to see Ren like that.

How was she supposed to hold it together if all the people around her were breaking apart?

Leaning back against the wall she looked up at the light forcing her eyes to take back the tears that were threatening to leak from them.

"Excuse me." a polite voice broke through her musing. The nurse standing before her with a trolley loaded with cups and a thermal flask and other drinks.

"Are you OK?" the nurse enquired as she pushed the trolley towards the door. Kanae reached out and gently touched the nurse's arm,

"I'm fine, thank you." she said allowing her actress mask to show on her face as she smiled brightly at the slightly older woman. The nurse seemed reassured instantly and smiled also, placing her hand on Kanae's hand.

"Would you like a drink? I was just about to bring these to your friends." she asked as she gestured towards the trolley. Kanae smiled,

"Not at this moment. Thank you and I'm really sorry to ask this, but at the moment my friends need a few private moments to themselves so would you just leave the trolley here with me until they're finished?"

Her acting must have slipped slightly as she saw the sadness that reached the nurse's eyes as she patted her hand softly.

"Of course that's fine. I'll leave it up to you." she said, nodding as with one last pat she turned and went off to continue her work. Kanae let out a long sigh. Pushing the trolley to the wall beside her, she leaned back against the wall and looked back at the light on the ceiling. She needed more than just the bright light this time.


She counted, slowly breathing between each number still trying to control her raging emotions.

"Kotonami-san?" the voice was a little breathless, but calm and level. Looking back in front of her she saw the calm brown eyes of Yashiro looking at her. Her breath caught in her throat in that instant and she was unable to speak.

"Are you OK Kotonami-san?" she nodded looking at the floor by his feet.

Why can't I look him in the eyes?

But Yashiro seemed to accept this,

"Have we heard any more news on Mogami-san?" he asked in a broken voice. She shook her head slowly.

Why can't I face him?

Her head screamed at her. Her eyes blurred slightly still looking at the floor at Yashiro's feet.

"Is Ren in there, Kotonami-san?" she nodded, but suddenly feeling like he was about to leave her, she looked up at him and forced some words from her dry throat.

"The President is with him at the moment and it is not a good time to disturb them."

Yashiro looked at her carefully. Love Me member number two had always been a mystery to him. Her smile rarely reached her eyes, only when she was with Kyoko had he ever truly seen her show any kind of real emotion. But now looking into her eyes he could clearly see the loss, pain and despair he himself felt.

"It's OK, Kotonami-san" he said softly.

As if it was an invitation, Kanae flung herself at him. She could no longer hold back the tears that came unbidden to her eyes as they overflowed their boundaries. She couldn't remember the last time she had truly cried. Tears on stage could never compare to the heart wrenching tears that flowed now.

For a few seconds her behaviour stunned Yashiro. He looked down at the woman clinging to his chest. Dropping the duffel bag he had brought for Ren, he held her in his arms stroking her hair and back. Those strong hands and warm body held her so firmly she couldn't let go, she needed this security and this closeness. She felt his tears falling onto her head as he too shook very slightly.

"It's Kanae." she whispered into his chest. She felt him soften slightly as he held her,

"OK, Kanae-san." he said as his heart constricted.

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