His first mistake

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It wasn't long before Kyoko found out the truth.

"WE'RE WHAT?" she shouted tugging back on Ren's hand as the Ishibashi brothers just stood looking at her not knowing quite what to say.

Hadn't she been told about this already? Really it was a big thing there first TV appearance together as a couple!

"Don't worry Princess, it's fine." Ren smiled at her clasping his hand over hers. Kanae and Yashiro had half expected this but it was Ren's idea not to tell her and Kanae was damned if after this she wasn't just going to laugh in his face and say 'I told you so!'

"Why didn't you tell me that we were doing this today?" The look she threw Ren was full of rage. Mio was slowly creeping in and Yashiro could feel the storm coming as he carefully drew Kanae a few steps back.

"Because I didn't want you to worry. It's not a big deal. The president thought as you knew the hosts of the show and you have been working on it for over a year now that this would be the best place for our first interview."

Kyoko seethed. HE DIDN'T WANT TO WORRY ME! SO DROPPING ME IN HEAD FIRST AT THE LAST SECOND WAS BETTER THAN ME BEING ABLE TO FULLY PREPARE MYSELF! Her head was screaming in rage. Did he think her so fragile that she would crumble under pressure of an interview? Did he really see her as so incapable of handling herself that he had to keep it a secret from her? Mio now fully living in Kyoko snatched her hand away from Ren as she glared at him. "I believe I should have a say in what I do and don't do. How dare you think that doing this would be better than not telling me! Now I am going to the dressing room to prepare. If I were you until we are called to stage I would stay out of my way." Kyoko stormed out of the hallway towards the dressing rooms, her dark aura making people literally jump out of her way.

Kanae sighed a long exasperated sigh. Ren could very well see the 'I told you so' look in her eyes as she started to follow Kyoko calling back to the men standing dumbfounded. "I never knew you were this bad at obstacle courses Ren-san. If I had known I would have brought a net."

Ren and Yashiro waited patiently. They had been placed in the second dressing room normally used by the musical act for the show. But as this was to be their first TV appearance together as a couple the entire 2 hour show was going to be devoted to them. Ren had tried hopelessly to talk to Kyoko but when he had knocked on the door Chiori had answered already dressed in the Bo costume but without the head. All she had said was,

"I'll call you when we are ready for you." And shut the door in his face.

Ren put his head in his hands and sighed. "Why the hell didn't I listen to you all. You all said this was a bad idea and I should tell her! Why the blasted hell didn't I listen?" Ren pounded his hand on the small coffee table in the centre of the room feeling fully pissed off with himself as he berated his foolish choices.

Yashiro looked at him and decided to be honest. "Because when it comes to Kyoko-chan you are blind. You believe that what you do is for the best and refuse to listen to anyone else's advice on the matter. But what you fail to realise is sometimes what you think is also confused by your love for her meaning it's not always the wisest choice."

Ren looked up at his manager and friend leaning against the back of the sofa behind him. "Any more fuel to throw on my already burnt out pride Yashiro-san?"

Yashiro looked at him and smiled. "I don't think I need to add any more fuel. You're beating yourself up enough."

Ren sighed deeply as he turned to look up at Yashiro with a look he had never seen before almost begging."That's the problem Yashiro. I've never been in love before. Not like this anyway. What should I do?"

Living For Her. {A Skip Beat! FanFic}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang