Sho's Entrance.

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Ren handed Kanae the cup of hot tea he had brought for her. They were sitting outside the critical care unit while the Darumaya couple sat with her for a bit. Lory had gone off to speak with his damage control support as he had a message saying the story of what had happened was already spreading and they were scared of it leaking out before they could make a formal statement about it. Yashiro had gone to the rest room so for the time being they sat in a companionable silence before Ren could last no longer

"Kanae-san, can I ask you what you meant about Kyoko-chan agonising over her feelings for me?"

Kanae looked at him. He wondered if she was going to reject his use of her first name, but she didn't. After their fight a few minuets ago it almost felt like the wall that had been between them had been demolished.

"Well to be honest I've known about your love for her for quite some time, Ren-san." she said leaning back in the chair she was sitting in, "It seemed obvious to those of us close to Kyoko-chan just how much you cared. I just think that she had the Sho incident locked away in her heart so deep that she couldn't even see what the word Love meant any more. She is Love Me sections number one girl after all."

They both smiled at this thinking of how dense Kyoko was when it had to do with anything love related.

"Yet I noticed lately when it came to little things, she was shy around you and scared of upsetting you to the point she would go out of her way to please you. She had gotten to the point where I believe she was thinking of you first, herself second. At first it really scared me and I even felt resentment towards you for stealing her heart away. I suppose I still believed it was too soon after Sho, that if you hurt her without meaning to or if she was rejected because of your personal feelings such as your work or her work that she would never be the same again." she looked at Ren never averting her eyes and not scared to tell him her true feelings.

"So what changed your mind Kanae-san?" she looked thoughtful for a moment before blushing a little.

"Do you really want to know?" he nodded slowly as she smiled, a little embarrassed.

"when we first arrived here after I left you in the room with the President alone, I thought you were killing him. I panicked a bit so I peeked in and you looked so lost. So afraid like a child who had lost all hope of the sun rising again. You cried so freely that my heart felt like it was breaking. Just hearing you cry, I guess I realised then that you truly loved her. More than I could have ever imagined." she looked at the red handprint on his face and a small blush lit her face.

"I am sorry I slapped you, but just as I was entering I heard you telling her you loved her then about how you would leave her so she could live happily which I knew she wouldn't like so I got angry."

Ren smiled at her "That's OK. It was well deserved and needed, I think my fear of hurting her clouded my judgement, how did giving blood go?" he asked her softly.

She nodded slightly "Yashiro was a great help and they took quite a bit of blood. I'm embarrassed to say I fainted when they took the needle out otherwise I would have been back sooner." Ren was kind of glad she hadn't come back sooner for all he had been telling Kyoko.

Still, he felt for the young woman. She was facing her fears for her best friend he couldn't help but admire her.

"I'm sure Kyoko will be thankful when she wakes up." Kanae nodded then taking a deep breath continued, "I'm not sure whether the doctors will like me though." Ren looked at her startled/

"Why not, Kanae-san? Lots of people faint after giving blood." she smiled sheepishly.

"Well you see I called my family to let them know what was going on and that Kyoko has a negative blood type." Ren looked at her completely stunned then hit her with a blast of his true smile. One she had never seen before without Kyoko being present.

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