Compromises and Friendly Advice.

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The meeting took 2 hours. Once Ogata heard everything he was thrilled by the project before him.

"So as you can see this will be done in different parts and from different people's points of view. It will still all come back to the main storyline so what do you think? You were asked for especially to direct this. I understand you have other projects but this will be going on for quite some time until we can get it all together. What do you think?"

Ogata looked at the thick document in his hands. With his princely smile at its fullest he looked right into Lory's eyes and replied,

"Where do I sign?"

A few minutes later it was just Lory, Ren and Yashiro.

Ren sighed in relief. "I'm glad he agreed, and he was a lot calmer than I was expecting," he said as he rubbed his temples with the palms of his hands. This slight headache came around whenever he spoke about this subject at length. It never hurts when I talk to Kyoko about it though he thought as he listened to Yashiro and Lory talk about the finer details.

"Oh and Yashiro are you still going to be managing Mogami-san's schedule?" Lory asked looking up and Yashiro nodded.

"For as long as you need me to I can balance her schedule out," he replied.

The sudden mention of Kyoko's name caught him and dragged him from his thoughts.

"OK good. Until I can find the right manager for her I will ask you to continue as you have been doing up til now. Mogami-san asked me today when she would be able to start again on her work so I've made the arrangements for Box R this Wednesday and the normal Friday for her Bridge Rock appearance." Lory watched as Yashiro opened up his planner and added in the times, locations and other important info that Lory had passed him on a piece of paper.

To think all this time Kyoko was that chicken. Yashiro thought as he wrote down Bridge Rock. Looking across at his charge he expected to see a happy smile as they were talking about the woman he loved after all. But instead of happiness he saw a scowl on Ren's face.

"Boss you cannot be serious! She has just been let out of the hospital and you're allowing her to return to work this fast?" Ren asked as his scowl deepened.

"And why shouldn't she return to work, Ren? She has been pronounced fully fit to work. During the last 2 weeks in the hospital she was ready to leave but they kept her just as a precaution. She will be fine."

Ren glared at Lory as he replied, "Forgive me for disagreeing but I don't think she is ready to return to the set. She was not just ill she was shot she lost nearly all of her blood and had 4 transfusions to replace it! And now you just want her to return back to work as if nothing's happened!" As Ren spoke his voice slowly got more angry. Both of the other men noticed this. And whereasYashiro shrunk away from the dark aura Ren was emitting Lory just calmly laced his fingers together as he looked over at Ren from across his desk.

"Mogami-san herself asked for this Ren. I don't think any of us are in a better position to say whether she is ready to return to the set or not than she is." Lory spoke in a calm but very firm voice which Ren knew would be dangerous to answer back to.

Ren stood and bowed to Lory. "I think I need to speak with Kyoko about this. Please excuse me," he said before storming from the office as Yashiro and Lory just watched him go.

"I will get Sebastian to drop you off when you're ready Yashiro. I doubt you would want to be in the car when that beast breaks loose." Lory chuckled at his own words as Yashiro looked at Lory nodding.

Ren couldn't believe she hadn't spoken to him about this. It was too early for her to return to work! What was she thinking? He didn't even realise where he was until he pulled into his parking space and hopped out of the car. Walking with quick long strides he reached the elevator. And as soon as the lift came and took him to his floor his temper rose slightly.

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