Invitation to the Starr

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The office was dark and the curtains were all drawn as Lory sat at his desk looking at the sheet of paper before him. This was to be a major event and he was hoping it would bring a lot of new business and opportunities to his 'children.' If all went well not only for the singing section but for all the sections if he could pull this off or should he say the Love Me section could pull this off.

It had taken quite some perseverance on his part and all of his persuasion to get Nakazawa and Matsushima to agree. But now that he had he was pressing forwards with his plan. Full steam ahead my lovely ladies. Let's show the world what makes talent. The knock was small. Sebastian heard it and opening the door he welcomed in the three girls.

"He's been expecting you. Please come in." Kyoko, Kanae and Chiori entered slowly. Walking to the desk they saw the president sitting in a full station master's outfit. Red and green flags tossed onto the desk with the big silver whistle on a chain around his neck. They all bowed as he motioned for them to sit.

The room was silent, the atmosphere tense and Lory could sense the three girls nervousness as he refrained from making any emotion at all. Not even speaking he controlled himself as he looked at each girl in turn very slowly. Too slowly for Chiori in fact who unlike the other two girls had already had almost 2 years experience with this man. She still thought that asking for straight answers may get her a straight reply.

"Is everything OK President? Did you need us for something?"

Kanae winced as she saw a spark in Lory's eyes. He had been waiting for one of them to speak first. Oh god it better not be another stupid assignment like the last time.

"I'm glad you all could make it on such short notice ladies," he said with a soft smile. "And yes Amamiya-san I do have a job for you. Well for all of you in fact."

Kyoko didnt want to talk. She could hardly breathe as she watched the president. Thoughts of what the last assignment had led to filled her mind like a frozen slab of ice. Kanae saw it out of the corner of her eye as the colour drained from Kyoko's face. OK as the oldest I suppose it's up to me to set a few ground rules for the prez once and for all. "President not to be rude but before you go one step further I need to confirm a few things?" Lory nodded so Kanae continued. "I need to know that none of these jobs are going to be dangerous. If you are splitting us up I need to know that both of my colleagues and friends will be safe." This was her first concern above everything else.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kyoko relax slightly. Neither me nor Ren will ever allow you to be hurt that way again, she thought as she watched the colour come back to Kyoko's face again.

Lory looked a little sad himself as he replied, "I can assure you that this job is safe. I will not be splitting you girls up. It will be a team effort from the Love Me section as a whole. Kotonami-san no one regrets that incident as much as me I assure you. If I had honestly thought the assignment was dangerous I never would have let Mogami-san do it."

Kanae nodded as finally Kyoko spoke up, "President Takarada-san it wasn't your fault. It wasn't the assignment that hurt me."

Lory nodded at her with a sad smile. "You're right my dear but I put you into a situation and you got hurt as a result of it. So it is partially me to blame, if you had not been there then..."

Kyoko cut in which shocked everyone. "If I had not been there Ren would probably be dead. I think your placing me in that situation was the correct route so I will not accept you taking any responsibility for my own choices." She stated it firmly.

Lory was impressed. "You have really grown a lot Mogami-san." he said quietly as if to himself but making her blush for his praise nonetheless. "OK ladies are you ready for your assignment?" They all nodded knowing that there would be no escaping it. Pressing a button on the remote control on his desk the curtains suddenly opened filling the room with radiant light as Lory pointed to the wall just behind them to the right. The three Love Me members stood and turned dreading what their task would entail but none of them quite understood. Even when they did see the large billboard poster that Lory pointed out to them.

Living For Her. {A Skip Beat! FanFic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن