What she saw and Shoko

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The noise resounded around the quiet area. Everyone had been watching the scene play out between the drunk and what everyone had believed to be his new prey. Shoko's hand shook violently as she held it back for another strike if necessary.

"You dare hurt this woman again Sho and I will make sure you never work in show business again," she growled low so that the watching crowd wouldn't hear her. How dare you call her any of those names you spoilt little stuck up asshole. Do you even know what you are saying right now or has jealousy of what can never be yours clouded your judgment completely?" She never shouted or raised her voice but the power behind it would have scared anyone.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU TRAITOROUS BITCH! HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME FOR TOUCHING MY PROPERTY!" Sho showed no self restraint as he flung Shoko aside right into a table before he made another attempt at grabbing Kyoko.

This time Kyoko didn't hesitate. Grasping his right arm she twisted it while swiftly side stepping his forwards momentum. She got his arm fully behind his back and pushed up. Ren had taught her this trick when playing Setsu and now she put it to full use.

"Kanae look after Shoko-san, I'm going to take the garbage out." Kanae nodded as she knelt by the semi conscious woman.

Kyoko made Sho walk. He was whimpering in agony trying to release her grip on his arm. The more he struggled the harder she pushed holding him at bay with the pain and pressure she was giving him. She didn't even look to see what was there as she tossed him through the door. The security guards who had been following her looked on in awe as this small woman manhandled the larger man like a doll. He flew to the curb where he lay sprawled for a few moments before he sat up and stared straight into the cold dark eyes of Mio. She raised herself up to her full height before she berated him fully.

"You have no right to to touch or even speak to me Shotaro Fuwa! You will never come near me or my friends again unless it is to apologise for your outlandish behaviour. At this moment you are nothing to me! You are not even worthy of being called a cockroach. Be gone from my sight!" she turned and stormed back in without even a second glance back.

Sho completely lucid now just watched as she walked away from him. Crawling to his feet he stumbled off down the road. The security watched as he got into a taxi and drove away.

Now back inside Kyoko asked, "How is she?" as she walked up to Chiori, Kanae and the waitress who was now holding a towel filled with ice to the bump on the Shoko's head.

"It's a nasty knock I think maybe we should take her to the hospital just in case." Kanae answered as she held onto Shoko's hand talking to her and keeping her awake.

Kyoko flipped open her phone and considered calling Ren but he was probably still working and she didn't want to disturb him. She looked through her contacts and hit the call button on the only name that seemed to make sense.

"President we need some help," she stated clearly and without remorse as Lory answered the call.

It took only 25 minutes for the limo to be there. Lory assisted the girls to get Shoko into the car before they all set off towards the hospital. Shoko kept insisting she was OK but none of them would hear any of it. They were driving past the hotel she and Kanae had been to only the week before. Kyoko's heart stopped as she recognised Ren's car. He was dressed in a dinner jacket and white shirt as he helped a young woman out of his car as she turned slightly and before they drove out of view Kyoko realised it was the same woman who had come to the apartment the night before.

Her heart contracted tightly.

He said he was going to be late sorting out work on his new role. Even if she is part of the new team why is he driving her around in his car? What does that mean?

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