Emotional Bonds.

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I wonder how many hearts would break if they could see how he looked at that girl.

Not for the last time the same question was running through Riona's head. They were sitting in a large comfortable waiting room with four sofas around a wooden coffee table. There was a fridge for refreshments and a sink. It smelt fresh with live plants and nice pictures on the walls and large windows looking out over the city. Yet the atmosphere in the room was at a point where Riona was struggling to breathe for fear she would be too loud.

Since the nurse had shown them to this room Cain... no that wasn't right, Tsuruga hadn't moved from the same position on one of the sofas. He was leaning forwards head in his hand's with knees apart. He had stopped shaking now she was glad to see, but still he wasn't moving or speaking. He could have been dead for all she knew he was so silent and still. Director Konoe had left not long after arriving saying he was going to call President Lory or Yashiro whoever he could contact first. A kind nurse had said she would bring them some refreshments, but with the way things were now she doubted if anyone would be drinking anything.

On arrival Kyoko had been rushed straight into theater. She had lost a lot of blood, and they were now trying to stop the internal bleeding. This was all they had been told. No one had mentioned if there was any further damage caused by the bullet or what her condition was at this moment in time. Riona felt like she was suffocating in the atmosphere, but she refused to leave Tsuruga alone.

What would he do? I don't even know if I could trust him alone at this moment.

Suddenly the air was broken by a musical tune making Riona jump into the air off her seat. Tsuruga still didn't move as she reached into her jeans pocket, she had forgotten she had her phone on her. Looking at the name she saw it was Manaka calling her.

"Tsuruga-san?" he didn't look up, but she hadn't expected him to.

"I'm just going to go take this call I won't be long." she looked down at him.

Still no response at all. She felt uneasy leaving him, but people back at the studio needed news too, she knew that most of them would probably be waiting for news on Setsuka if the director hadn't already called to send them all home. She glanced around the room looking for anything that could possibly be dangerous to him if she were to leave him. Looking around, she couldn't really see anything. The windows all had locks on them so she decided he should be OK, after all she wouldn't be long.

"I will be back soon, Tsuruga-san." she never expected a reply and she didn't get one.

Walking as quietly as she could, she exited the waiting room and the numbing atmosphere that filled it. Konoe had been lucky and had managed to contact the president immediately. He had hurriedly explained the situation to a silence he could almost feel radiating down the phone line.

"Takarada-kun?..." he asked as he waited for a reply. He was wondering whether he had lost his signal or something, but the heavy sorrowful sigh came down the phone before he spoke,

"Director Konoe I will be there very shortly. I just have to contact a few other people who need to know about this situation and get my management team on a public inquiry into the case to stop any press releases without our consent. I will also contact Yashiro to ask him to bring Ren some more clothes and anything else he may require please inform the hospital we will be arriving on the roof in five minutes." Konoe, startled at that request, found himself agreeing without thinking, only having time to say,

"Of course Takarada-kun." before the phone was put down on the President's end.

What does he mean they will be arriving on the roof in five minutes?

Living For Her. {A Skip Beat! FanFic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt