The Funny Fan and Shopping.

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The laughter coming from the room was infectious. Atsuko entered the room and was unable to keep the smile off her face looking at Kanae, Yashiro and Kyoko all on the verge of tears because they were laughing so hard whilst Ren looked rather upset for some reason, and not for the first time she realised.

I'm going to miss them all when Kyoko goes home soon.

Kyoko had been told with all her toxicology reports all settling back down to normal and her wound healing well she should be able to go home in the next two weeks which had made the actress and all her friends beam.

"So care to share the joke?" asked Atsuko. She had come to realise that even though most people thought celebrities above themselves, the people that came and sat with Kyoko were never like that. They were all down to earth, normal people.

Yeah some of them have their little quirks like the President and Kanae, but they're still nice people.

Ren dipped his head even lower to the bed. It seemed yet again the four of them were going through fanmail. Her question had just added yet again to the mirth of the three people and now she realised it was at Ren's expense. She waited for Kyoko to catch her breath once more then, while still laughing, she told Atsuko.

"Ren's just been propositioned by a nice young lady." that was all she could say before she and her two laughing companions were yet again rolling with laughter.

Kanae had her head on Yashiro's shoulder holding on to her chest while Yashiro still laughing was taking off his glasses, wiping tears from his eyes.

Atsuko didn't get the joke, but still couldn't help smiling broadly at how much it seemed to have tickled them. Ren handed the nurse a thick envelope addressed to him.

She guessed it must be something left by a fan. Opening it up she pulled out 3 items inside, first opening up the letter she read:

Hello my dear Ren-sama,

I cannot tell you how your recent behaviour has upset me, talking about your love for that other girl when we are simply meant to be together. I have enclosed some presents from myself and am awaiting your favourable reply.

If for your job while with me you have to keep up that façade relationship with that woman I will not complain as long as you hold me in your arms each night my dear.


Your dearest lover


Still unable to see this letter as funny, she turned to look at the people around the bed. She honestly found the letter quite disturbing. Whilst still giggling uncontrollably Kanae indicated she should look at the enclosed items. Atsuko gasped at the picture before her eyes. Putting her hands to her lips she fought back her own laughter

"Well she's very, erm...Nice looking."

That was all she could bear with before her sides split and she had to laugh, which brought on new waves from everyone including Ren now as he watched the nurse doubling over. He took the letter and items back from her as he looked back at the picture.

"How can you say that?"

His statement just seemed to make it even more funny for everyone else as Ren looked at the middle-aged man in the photo in a horrible cosplay as a young schoolgirl. He quickly stuffed the letter, picture and, to his horror, the thong back into the packet before he thought about it any more.

It took almost 40 minutes for them all to calm down and even after they had all regained control the three friends plus Atsuko only had to smile at each other in a knowing way before setting them all off again in fits of giggles. Ren took advantage of this good mood to speak to Kyoko

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