Good friends, Good company

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Kyoko's head was one solid ache. It pounded as she rolled over to look at the clock on the bedside table. It was almost 11 am.

What the hell? she thought as she tried to sit up suddenly and only moments later realised how stupid this was as she vomited the entire contents of her stomach over the large king sized bed.

Ren heard the gagging. He had left the door open so he would be able to hear if she woke up and he sprinted down the hall and into the bedroom. He didn't look twice at the soiled sheets, just ran straight to Kyoko's side rubbing her back with his large hands. He held her steady until the convulsions stopped and handed her the glass of water.

She looked away from him with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry Kuon. I will clean it all up right away." She tried to climb out of the bed but he pushed her back as he gathered all the bed sheets up and carried them out of the room. God he probably hates me now. Look at the mess I made of his bed and now it stinks in here. The tears flowed down her face as she imagined Ren sending her back to Darumaya. Not that she didn'[t want to see her mom and dad but she loved being here with Ren. She was happy living here with him, even if it had only been for a few days.

Ren walked back into the room with clean sheets slung over his arm. Seeing Kyoko crying on the bed he rushed forwards. Dropping the sheets on the end of the bed he sat beside her eyes full of concern,"Are you OK Kyoko? What's the matter? Does your head hurt? Do you still feel sick?"

She shook her head softly, the motion itself making her feel nauseated. "You're going to send me home aren't you?"

Ren looked completely puzzled by her question as he held her shoulders she felt clammy. So reaching back he flipped out one of the clean bedsheets and wrapped it around her tiny frame. "What are you talking about princess? You are home?" Just those simple words were enough for Kyoko. She flung her arms around him crying into the crook of his neck as he slowly held her close to him consoling her."What's got into you? Are you still feeling a little drunk?"

she shook her head lightly and quietly replied, "I thought you were going to send me back to my parents house." She sobbed as he held her close her arms holding on to his solid, strong body with what little strength she had. He felt so safe. She felt at home in his arms. Ren chuckled as he stroked her back softly .

"You thought I would throw you out for being sick. Oh princess you are silly," he said holding her close so happy that he could hold her like this and hear her upset at the thought he would be leaving him.

"I wasn't only sick. I came home at a stupid hour and I was drunk and underage and I've probably ruined your bedsheets." She sounded so small and fragile as she spoke but his chuckle made her feel at ease.

"The sheets are already being washed. You coming home drunk is the very last thing I would be bothered by. You had a fun night out with your best friend and if I was to shout at you for drinking underage I would be damning myself 5 times over. I was already drinking at the age of 14."

Kyoko pulled away a little shocked at his words. "14? But that's so young," she whispered.

He smiled at her with a cheeky smile, "What can I say? I was a very bad boy."

She giggled as he made a mischievous face at her. Gently wiping away the last of her tears with a soft thumb he kissed her head gently. "Now here is something for your headache. And when you are feeling a little better I will go grab us an early lunch what do you think?"

She smiled at him as he handed her some pain killers and reached again for the water on the bedside table. "You're too good to me Kuon," she said smiling as she knocked back the tablets with the water. Gently laying her back down on the bed he opened up the other sheets and placed them over her as he opened the window slightly to give her some fresh air.

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