Sho's breaking point

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The room buzzed even after they left the stage. The next 2 performances were good but it seemed nothing that night could compare to the three actresses. The hotline for the CD purchases and all the money going towards the charity had been busy all night. There wasn't a single line free and the Starr's group got more people in to meet demand.

After the last act performed they were having a 30 minute intermission before the auction began. The TV crews could now pack up as they were only showing the performances though the general public could still bid on items using the internet system available.

They came out during the interval. All three in beautiful dresses they assembled all at once and tried to gain their attention. They wanted to tell them how wonderful and inspiring they were, but Kyoko only had eyes for one person. She could see him above the crowd smiling. She excused herself from everyone that tried to speak to her saying she first needed to speak to someone else. As she approached, Ren looked her over. She was truly stunning. The golden dress that matched so perfectly with her eyes was fitted snugly on the top half of her body with a wide skirt that reached almost to the floor cut diagonally from left thigh to right ankle.

She smiled at him and all his warmth and love filled her. The photographers who had been ushered out along with the recording crew missed the picture of the evening as Ren scooped her up in his arms, spun her around and kissed her soundly. The room applauded this action and laughed when Ren put down a very embarrassed Kyoko.

"I have never seen anything like it in all my life. You astound me with how simply amazing you truly are. Boss even said you wrote the songs yourself?"

She nodded as Chiori and Kanae approached.

"Mo, why did they let you get through and not us?" She looked a bit annoyed as she turned towards Kyoko.

But smiling at the blush on her cheeks it was Shoko that answered her. She had been following behind her 3 charges as the temporary manager for The Cursed Sisterhood.

"That my dear is because you still have the possibility of being single. You are extremely attractive and have just kicked ass on stage. Of course the men are going to flock to you." She chuckled at the look Kanae threw her. All the girls liked Shoko and her no nonsense attitude.

"Hmm OK then. Chiori-chan I'm really sorry but you're on your own with this one." Chiori looked at the girl in the long, light blue fitted dress who could hold her own with the likes of Julie with a slight confused look.

But upon seeing the direction Kanae walked she sighed noticeably. Kanae walked straight up to Yashiro who couldn't keep his eyes off the woman. She snaked her hand around his neck seductively while his hands went to her waist. "Yuki please show these people how totally not single I am will you?" Yashiro didn't have to be asked twice. "Of course madam. But I must warn you I will not let you out of my sight for the rest of the night," he said in a soft purr that only Ren and Kyoko heard which made Kyoko blush and Ren chuckle.

"That sounds perfect" Kanae said before Yashiro kissed her with passion. Yet another missed picture, but this news would spread to the tabloids like fire 'Tsuruga's manager and Kotonami Kanae a couple?'

Chiori sighed again as people around clapped for the young pair. "Fine. I suppose I will just have to look for a man myself," Chiori said with a small pout.

"Heads up Chiori-chan," Julie said as she smiled at the young woman.

Chiori turned as Hikaru walked towards them with a large bouquet of roses in his hand. The other two Ishibashi brothers cheered him on as he approached the group. He was red with embarrassment, he had told his brothers he couldn't do it in front of such famous people. But they insisted he did it now before anyone else got her like they had with Kyoko.

"Erm, Chiori-chan? Errm these are for you," he said handing over the flowers with the cutest blush on his cheeks. Chiori smiled as he continued. "You were wonderful out there and I think you were really brave coming out about your past like that." He looked to be lost for words.

Chiori took his hand in hers and gently kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Hikaru-san. I'm glad you enjoyed my performance," she added when he looked tongue tied even after the kiss. She didn't let go of Hikaru's hand so that was that. Kyoko watched the other two brothers giving him the thumbs up before they walked away as Ren smiled down at Kyoko.

It was the president who spoiled the moment making them all laugh. "I cannot believe you three have just completely destroyed my Love Me section in under 5 minutes! What am I going to do now?" he asked pouting.

They all laughed and Kanae answered, "Well president you did say if we pulled it off our débuts and graduation were assured anyway. Or had you forgotten?" The latter part was in a mocking serious tone as she smiled at him fully.

Lory sighed. "Oh well you are correct. Looks like I need to find some new people who lack love. Excuse me," he said bowing as they all laughed again and off he went to mingle with the crowd.

That was their cue and with their respective partners they mingled, talked and chatted their way around the large room. It was about 20 minutes into the intermission when it happened. Everyone in the area stared stunned at what had just taken place as Sho stood there. He was swaying on the spot. Everyone could see he was drunk as he shouted at Ren who he had just punched.

"She's mine you bastard I own her! She's my possession! Give her back to me!" he screamed at the older taller man.

Ren just looked at him eyes full of contempt.

Lory, Kuu and Yashiro tried to start heading to him from where they were in the room scared that the more evil side of Ren's personality would come out. But they need not have worried. Kyoko was with him. She squeezed his hand as he stood before her protectively. He knew what she needed him to do. Rising to his full height he faced the drunk singer. The punch on his jaw had smarted a little but no more than that.

"See that is where you are wrong Sho. I do not own Kyoko. There is no one on this earth that has the right to own this woman. She is her own person who makes her own choices the same as you and me. It is just a shame for you that you choose not to realise what an amazing person she was before you used her as a personal cash machine and maid before you threw her away." He said it in a very firm voice that carried across the room.

Sho went berserk trying to strike out at the actor who had taken what was 'his' but he was too late. Security was already there dragging him by his arms as he screamed at her, calling her a whore and a slut and yelling about how she had slept her way into the industry and she would never defeat him. He watched as Ren held her close and his anger boiled. Ren held the sobbing Kyoko in his arms as they removed him from the room. The one thought that flashed through everyone's minds was the cards Kyoko had held during their music video.

"I had no friends and was used as a maid."

"I worked 4 jobs to support a man who abandoned me."

Was it truly Fuwa Sho she had spoken of?

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