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Trigger warning dark poem. (Not based on true life events)

At one time I wanted you to control me, but now as I see the blood dripping down my spine soaking my once pure white clothes
I want to take the same knife you stabbed in my back and stab it in your throat.
I told you I'm not a back stabber like you, because I'll do it right where they can all see right into the jugular vein.
Maybe it's a sick game we keep playing.
Maybe it's wrong to tear each other down piece by piece but remember you were the one to choke me first and laugh at my bruises.
You thought I'd cry and hide away,
but I am no child but a women and I'll fight for my freedom even if it means sinking to your level.
Maybe we will make the whole world blind. Maybe vengeance was never meant to be mine, but i want you to feel the pain of my suffering.
I want you to understand what you've put me through. I want you to see the knife you stabbed me with.
But maybe just maybe I'll forgive you and I.
Because maybe I will realize how wrong this is.
That this hate I'm carrying is only really hurting me.
So, now I release my knife, my very pain and forgive you. The blood may dry, but not my tears as I release everything and forgive you;
because it's the right thing to do.  Vengeance is not mine, but karma will be paid in due time.
I'm walking away shaking every wrong thought away. This is the rent a human pays to live in this world, pain.

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