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You watched me break and you watched me shatter onto the floor.
I told my insanity that it could be no more,
yet it was me up against its war.

Then you told me it was easy to be set free,
yet i was pulling and yanking against the chains

My wrist bleed each day as the metal carved a mastpeice into me.
Yet you kept saying it was easy and
here I was screaming and fighting to be set free.

Then you laughed in my face and called me weak.
But no I would not give up I kept pulling against the chains.

Insanity no more no more, I would scream with tears stremming down my face.
As You sat back and watched its grip tighten on me.

It's easy, it's easy was your chant.
But my blood kept seeping through the white sheets.

Then I realised it was time for me to be released,
so I told you to go that day not my insanity.

The chains broke free leaving me with red irritated flesh,
that was the day it all made sense.

Truly we are all alittle crazy and sometimes it isn't the insanity that destorys us,
but the people we let in.

We can do more than just win when we fight by ourselves and we can do more than just lose when you let the oppressor in.

Insanity and the prisoner that escaped.

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