You won't break me into a million pieces

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Tear up my heart and strain my muscles but you'll never break me.
You can spew profanities and drag my name through the dirt
but you can never change my heart.

Nor can you ever steal my happiness,
No matter how many waves of depression you throw my way.

My smile with still be stuck on my face
even when they seem to only believe every word you say.

But you just can't break me.
I won't cry no matter how many tears try to escape the jar of my eyes.

I am strong and I can handle this pain because this is not the first nor last day I'll feel it in my bones.

Each day I wonder where I went wrong and I wonder why I ever trusted you in the first place
because now you're just spitting in my face.

Yet Here I am standing up tall with my backbone of concrete and smiling with my bricks for teeth.

You will not break me into a million pieces because my heart is good and hard as stone.

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