This Time

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I'm not in the mood,
I'm not a machine that you can press a button to start operating.
I'm tired of everything and I barely get any sleep.

I'm worried and confused,
not to mention I'm starting to not want to have anything between you and me.
No more sorry or calls saying you made mistakes I'm done with that all today.

My life will not be spent wasting my time on forgiving the foolish things you do.
I may still love you,
but I'm not afraid of letting you go If it means keeping my sanity.

This time I'm going to turn around and escape out that door.
And don't you dare think I'll be answering your call so you can beg me to forgive you,
because I'm done with these games.

This time I won't be returning and I'll be declining your calls,
yes, I'll block them all.

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