Find My Soul

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Find me my lost lover.
Find me my lost dream.
I keep wondering throughout this world hoping a soul will notice me.

The true me not my face but soul.
Can someone latch their skin to mine and ever understand the skeleton underneath?

Will anyone ever feel what these bones are really made of?
Or will I forever be lost at sea?
But I do feel tide pulling me closer to something I've never seen.

I'm  unsure of what it could be.
Maybe it's trying to show me why I'm so alone in a body that drags its feet or maybe it's trying to show me the way a soul leaves a body.

But the uncertainty is resting deep within my mind and I'm wondering if I'll ever be found.

Will I ever be more than a body?
Will you ever find me lost dream?
I'm reaching my hands up from the waves waiting to be saved.

Find me the soul riding the waves.
Find the real me underneath.
Not a body but a soul seeking release.

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