One day But Not Today

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I've only ever know this life.
I've only ever known the creaking floor boards.
The struggles, the sweat and tears.

Some days I've seen a smile or two but my life was all about hard work to succeed.

My life was never about easy money,
but dollar bills from long nights and days.

I've watched days fade and begin again.
My motivation has always been to succeed to hold my degree in these very hands attached to my arms.

Today my hands are still empty,
but each day I move closer and closer to my goal.

Yet each year I go more and more in debt which I one day hope to have the means to pay.

So now I'll spend hours upon hours working to pay for my bills and loans but most of studying for my degree.

I'm working to make me.
Yes, working to set my dream free from the cage of loans and minimum wage.

From the bottom to the top we can all succeed.

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