Controlled Queen

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Return to me my heart and soul.
I was wasted in your presence.
You demanded me to bow down.
But I never worshiped your name.
Yet I was playing your game your very own little slave.

Each day I was bitting my tongue and she seemed to be spliting into two as my teeth dug into her skin.

Even the heels of my feet where dug deep into the grimy mud to keep from running.

Because I was in daze mesmerized by your eyes.

Your words never truly made it to my brain
because I was whisked away day dreaming of the person I hoped you were,
but there was a double meaning to your words and I was oblivious to these things.

You told me to bow down my queen but instead I stood
I finally understood every meaning to every action and word.

You were making me a slave,
while you stole my soul and crown, but
I did not bow
because like you said I was queen,
the only ruler of me.

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