The Test Of Time

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When you love him you just won't let him go.
If love her you won't let go of her hand.
That no matter what was said in the last hours, days, months or even years you'll let it go letting your pride drift out to sea for the one you love.

No matter that you feel your right because you know it would hurt worse to lose them
worse then the painful slow kiss death sometimes gives.

Because we both know we don't won't to suffer each and everyday thinking about how we could've done everything right and how we could have been in each other's arms tonight.

Now as we stare into each other's eyes
I know this is just the start to our little fights and disagreements
but I know I can let it go and watch our love grow if only you put as much into this relationship as me.

Silly little fights and opinions shouldn't bring us down or break us apart, because if they do we were never meant to be.

Love doesn't work if it's just on one side
but works when to come together to become one and well that means finding a common place where we can agree and let things be.

One thing I do know past my anger and the part of my brain that tells me I'm right,
I love you and I'm not willing to lose you tonight.

This is just a test of time.

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