The Trip To Judgement Day

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I was writing a story of ink and blood, of success and failure.
I was talking about human anatomy and ways of thinking.
I wasn't judging but observing.

Everyday I was learning something new.
I didn't need words or ears and sometimes even eyes to see.
The vibration of the world was flowing through me.

Everyday was a new step into a world I have never known.
Slowly, I was learning the way I would be twisted and molded to become this human being.

Everything was leaving a effect on my making.
Yes, I was just beginning to write this story set out in front of me.
Destiny was just settling into her place leading the way.

I've yet to find if at the end it be an happy ending or memory of a fall that leads to rioting.
But it won't matter I'll be gone never to return to this land.

Finally at alas I will find how the sins were paid at the beginning of this new story that was written long before it was my time to kiss the grave,
the very point where the true karma was added in.
The judgement day where all stories end and begin.

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