Freedom Of Speech

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They've took our free speech away and told us to shut up and stay.
Then they go on to say all you do is hate when you have a certain beliefs.

Even then they still think
they have the right to point out what they think are flaws in our teachings, but when we point the finger back at them it's hate.

Freedom of speech was meant for all to have the right to our own ways,
but yet they try to quiet certain people when they speak
because it is not how they think and that's where we are losing.

Everyone has the right to believe the way they do even if it's not believing there's really a moon.

The decision rests in every mans hand and non shall take it away.
Nor should freedom of speech be called hate unless it's really used that way,
but even then it's the decision of every man.

Just remember justice will be brought home and karma will be biting.
In the end everyone deserves Freedom of speech,
but they also deserve the consequences to be paid for things that are said.

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