Light Defeats Darkness

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I found myself in the dark running from shadows.
There I sat on the ground rocking back and forth to quite the loud screams,
but yet the screams were from my own mouth.

Terror had took control of me and no one tried to save me from the dark.
Yet, I was to young and terrified to reach for the light.

But there I was praying for it all to go away.
Years pasted by and by,
yet here I was on the ground shaking.
I thought there was no escaping unless death kissed my feet,
but that was until the light reached out for me and my prays were answered.

Then I realized this was all going to be apart of my life's story.
That after all,
I needed the fears so I could tell all who could hear how to escape the dark,
if only it was light they were seeking.

So, I found myself on the floor close to where the light was reaching,
if only I would have moved closer to light sooner, I would have found there was an escape.

But instead the light find me.

I was saved.
I was the one who escaped.
Light opens the gates and
it didn't need a key
that was only me,
because the light was the answer to everything dark within me.

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