The Journey Of Uncertainty

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It seems like all the hard work is failing and everyone keeps yelling.
Like a weed growing into the roots of a rosebush.

Oh these weights tied to our once merrily walking feet.
Trying to swim back up to the surface but the current keeps pushing us down.

Hoping that the hand of time with release and let us run free.
All these limits set in front of human beings.

Being told to sit down as you stand and falling back onto your bed as you try to rise.
Goals seen but only because the other team seems to be winning.

Even then we must still strive to win and work hard, again and again.

Being given the tools to succeed
but having not a clue how to put them in use.

All these things that hold us back from our true potential, that's why you must push through when it seems that all the hard work is a waste.

Because one day a star with fall and you will reach the bar to turn the galaxy in your favor.

Yes, one day the stars will align when the highest peak of pain is reached.
No one said it would be a fun adventure but they did say it would be one hell of a journey.

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