You Can't Make Me The Same

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Your dark heart can't effect me and your demons can't call me.
Nor can you ever really follow me.

I refuse to accept your existence.
I refuse to be your little broken toy.
No, I chose to be strong and not cry.
Everyday I ignore the pain and keep my posture straight.

This is my world, my very Galaxy and I won't let it be filled with hate.
Sometimes you have to remove certain things from your life,
so it can't destroy you and that's what I did that day I set myself free and told myself to forget about my sores.

Nothing can be changed about what happened there,
so while the past may be calling and you may too,
I choose to tune it all out.

Now I walk on looking straight ahead because that's the only way that can be changed.

This is my future and my peace,
so I'm afraid I don't know you and I never really did,
nor do I ever want too.

You can take your hate and existence, yes, take it all
because I'll never be giving into the fall.

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