Poetry Subdued The Pain

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If you only opened my mind you'd figure out why my poetry rarely rhythm's.

You'd also see the real reason I started to write poetry and it wasn't because it was something I was in love with that came in time.

My pain was the beginning to the words on my paper.
Everything the bullies were calling me.
I just had to let it out, so I didn't shout and explode.

This feather pen was an escape from all the real things.
I needed a distraction from all my wounds and aches, that's why I started to hold my pen close to my heart.

Because it was the only reason my heart wasn't broken and why I wasn't lying on the floor bleeding.
It was one of the things that could make life more bearable.

Then later came the love after I found the antidote to subdue the pain.
Now I chose to live everyday with poetry because it helped set me free.

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