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My docile soul is ready, she's ready to fly.
Even ready for the fires that are too strong to look at by eye.

The tide is pulling her in and the waves pushing her back out again.
Hundreds of oceans,
but there's only one sea she wants see.

Focused on this goal that some say it never gets marked as complete,
but we are ready.

No matter the challenge or pain we will walk upon these flames.
Even if it takes burning and ashes we'll keep moving.
Not a thing could stop this destiny we are making.

They can keep calling negatively,
but we won't hear a thing,
that's what they didn't understand that all of that none belief was what made their feet quit walking.

But here I am ready to be taught how to swim across this gasoline lake.
Anything is possible it only takes a little bit of hope and faith, and a whole lot of blood and pain,
but that's always been part of the game.

Here my soul walks ready to capture destiny.

Yes, I'm ready to play her game.

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