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The truth is you don't understand my fire or its reason.
That I burn bright because of many things and the first being I understand the crippling grip of depression,
that I've been it's puppet and it's slave.

Yes, I've drug my feet to many times to let them drag behind me now.
That even once my backbone was bent out of shape,
but is now a pristine line
because I taught it how to be straight.

I even taught myself how to be strong from being in a weakened state.
That every pray I've ever prayed has lead me to this decision,
that I can't keep falling to pieces instead I must be strong and stand tall, that is why I stay happy even when darkness tries to surround me,
because I know how it is to be unhappy and I won't let it drag me to the almost death of my soul again.

So I'll light my candle again and again, even when the flames seem to be diminishing.

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