Old Dogs Just Don't Change

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You can't change an old dog.
No, you can't make him bark in a new tone.

You could show him all the tricks
he needs to do and he would still be laying at your feet.

You could throw the stick and cup your hands to your mouth and yell fetch boy!
Yet he still wouldn't move.

So what made you believe you could change our songs and change our tune?

We are the same as the old dog.
We wouldn't fetch your stick or bark just for you.

Somethings don't need to be changed but some people do need to leave starting with you.

So goodbye to the new and hello back again to the old things,
the things that never needed to be changed.

So now do you understand how somethings are meant to stay the same,
including the old dog resting on the porch at his master's feet?

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