Our History Book

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Let's forget about everything.
Give me your pencil so I can erase, erase everything.

Memories let them fade,
because we will make new ones today.
Let's wipe our sins clean.

The past has nothing on you or me.
Together we'll start a new history,
that isn't bloody.

Well change this little section of the world and tell it the untold stories,
that hold glory and bright things.

We are stepping into the future with a new outlook that's the best for you and me.

Don't hold back anything,
because the pages are blank of this new story,
so let's start writing.

Storks of ink and markers with streaks that's what I want to see.
Quit hiding your creativity,
this is the new world we are making.

In time we will have a new history just for you and me.

Trio Of WordsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt