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Here I am lost and forgotten
You left me here standing in the rain
I prayed you'd never leave but here I am alone
Still I'm smiling as the tears and rain travel down my face

This is why I would never put all my happiness within one person's name because I knew that sooner or later you'd leave they all do

Because I know I'm just another story of shadows, of rain, and of rainbows.
But through the pain I learned to be happy because I still have myself that I would never let no one take that from me.

A long time ago I learned that life leaves you behind but you can still shine if happyiness is still in your life.
So tonight I smile through the pain,
I refuse to be a prisoner to life's game and even to you.

That's why they all leave because I know how to be beautifully broken and still feel peace through the shards of my heart, while they become lost to the dark.

Yet I always find me.

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