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I just want this simple dream and simple things. I don't ask to win a Nobel Prize or to be the leader of any team.

All I'm asking is for someone to see potential in me and work with me.
I want to become better at my craft.
I want to make others laugh and feel at home.

But there's so many things stopping me.
Each day I keep trying to meet this goal 
but yet it's just another story untold.

Still I won't give up because I'm back up again brushing the tears from my eyes, this is not my ending but my beginning.

If I must fight the war to reach my destiny, even if it means every last breath of me I will still pick up my sword.

It's not the ending till they close the coffin lid, but right now I am not part of the dead but part of the living,
and I'll fight for every piece of success until this puzzle is complete.

This goal will someday be reached,
I'm becoming closer every time we speak!
But there are still battles to be beat, yet I will crush them under my feet.
This goal is going to meet me in the street.

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