Maybe, It Will Be Worth It All

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Maybe the door was shut for a reason.
Maybe that push backwards when you didn't stumble and fall
was going to be the answer.

Maybe it's all for your protection and sanity.
That God was reaching out his hand to save you from falling in deep.

Maybe it's not your time but one day you'll shine.
Yes, just maybe this is a test measuring your endurance,
showing just how long you can wait and keep that smile on your face, and positive thoughts in your mind.

Who knows what the next few years can bring,
because these few years that have pasted by have sure brought us many things.

Maybe this is the truest moment defining the definition of saving it till the end.

Maybe you're just waiting till the claps of hands.
Because one day I'm sure the work of your hand will be blessed and out shine any man.

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