Do It Anyway

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When you are scared,
do it anyway.
When you like you've got to run away and you don't want to stay,
do it anyway.

Do it anyway!
Quit being afraid!
Afraid of failing, Afraid of falling, Afraid of dying.

Life is only a flash, so why are you wasting time being fears lover?

So when you are afraid to make that next step,
do it anyway.

So when you are afraid of climbing the mountain because of a possible fall,
do it anyway.

As for dying you are going to do it anyway.

Fear is just a hand holding onto the back of your shirt,
keeping you away from your dreams, so when you are afraid to move that hand,
do it anyway.

Today's the day to get out!
Today's the day to rise!
Today's the day turn around your life and stand!

So do it anyway,
forget fear of the future, forget the fear of the past and present.
Because today's today and it's time to do it anyway!

Hello loves, I have had such bad writers block lately! So here's a poem finally! Also college has been keeping me busy (I should be studying right now!)
Also Thank You to Google for the inspiration I needed it! Thanks
For Reading Loves!💗🌹😘💁🏽
Are you ready to do it anyway?
I know I am!

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