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Stop petting those demons.
Unleash, unleash.
Break the chains.
Listening for the sound of that metal hitting the floor.

Explore your mind I'm sure you have time.
Walk through the brain finding all those chemical imbalances ruining everything.

It's time to unleash, unleash.
To cut yourself free of all the pain.
Step up ever so slowly and tell the depression to leave.

It can't control us, it can't control us keep this chant going.
Come on unleash yourself from the puppet master,
he doesn't own you he only hopes you'll stay fooled
so he can keep dragging you down, instead when he pulls tight on the leash rip it from his hands.

You are the only who needs to guide you through the mind.
It's time to unleash your inner eye come let it see.
Let the truth be the only thing that makes the inner eye blind because it's the only thing that can unleash, unleash you.

Now fall into the ocean and breath,
it's time to unleash not drown.
It no longer can boss you around because your chains have hit the ground.

yourself from the beast.

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