Nothing to something

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I've never been better than I am now as I rasie my gun to shoot at the targets eye I have hits and misses,
but sometimes I do get to scream bulls eye.

I don't have thousands of followers or crowds to cheer me on,
so I clap for myself and criticize myself too.

Each day I keep working towards my goal
even though it seems I become poorer and farther away.

It isn't true not really because every loan and step back it just another push for me to fight harder and dig deeper into the Earths soil.

I may be a nobody,
merely just a ghost in most people's presentsbut one day I will be look upon and every dedt and ounce of blood will be worth it.
I'm willing to be broken before I can become whole.

I'm willing to humble myself and feel meaningless to feel complete.

It's just all about the pace of our feet and in time we will shine.
So I'll push through.

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