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Anorexia I hear you call my name, anorexia quit playing this game.
I thought I had finally shook you out of my tree,
but it seems you've always stuck with me
that each time I go to eat you say no.

No sugar, no bread you are gaining weight,
if only I could always see it's in my head as I become so stick little thin.

Then as I think the skies are finally clearing and I like my weight,
anorexia says no that day.

It tells me that I'm fat
but my poking bones protest,
but some days I just can't win and land up confused,
because sometimes I can't handle the truth,

that my anorexia is ruining me as I become nothing but a mere bone,
only to later binge,
Bringing back my sad story all over again.
Anorexia why do you do this to me?

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